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Probably laissez faire and “Protestant work ethic” helped.

Probably half the world's species live in some 25, mostly forested, tropical areas, where human actions have already removed more than 70 percent of the natural vegetation. 世界上约有半数的物种居住在约莫25个热带地区,大多为热带森林,而人类活动已将这些地区70%以上的天然植被给移除了。
Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding. 或许他在世界上下来,而且这抽取样品是所有的那从他可以负担来而且选择他的喜爱布丁的时间起是左边的他。
Probably he would lay down his brushes and palette. 也许他会放下画笔和调色板。
Probably influenced by the nontraditional religious fervor of the young Americans, people in churches throughout the country are now adopting new kinds of religious services. 也许受年轻人那种非传统宗教热情的影响,美国各地的教堂都在逐渐尝试新的宗教形式。
Probably it was some final guest who had been away at the ends of the earth and didn't know the party was over. 最后来的这位很可能是个去了天涯海角而不知道聚会早已结束的客人。
Probably laissez faire and “Protestant work ethic” helped. 很可能利益于“放手干”及“新教工作道德”。
Probably more anxious will be seven American students from Cascade High School, Idaho, who built the bio-reactor after Mr Godson heard how they used similar technology to filter water in a nearby lake. 也许会更着急七名美国学生在高中串、爱达荷州、谁建的生物反应黄干儿子听到后如何用类似技术过滤水湖附近.
Probably no more than 1/3 of those irradiated develop a thyroid neoplasm; most are benign. 大概不到1/3的放射病人会得甲状腺瘤,大多为良性。
Probably not, but he is the perfect compliment to Jason Kidd and Richard Jefferson. 也许不能,但是他得到了基德和杰弗森的赞扬。
Probably nothing, though, compared with the injuries you would suffer if a manager clouted you. 但与一个主教练袭击你而造成受伤这样的事情相比,这可能根本不算什么。
Probably orc because they have great heros, and their units have so many hps. Also their shop is very nice with Speed Scroll and healing salve. 可能是兽族,因为他们的英雄,他们的单位都有那么长的血。同时他们的商店有速度卷轴和治疗膏药。

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