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The new uptown is nearby the expressway.

The new uptown is close up to the free way. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new uptown is close up to the highway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new uptown is closed to the highway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new uptown is just next to the freeway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new uptown is near the freeway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new uptown is nearby the expressway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new uptown is tight near the speedway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new uptown near by the freeway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new users to OTP are permitted to have a tryout free of charge. 网译平台新用户可以预先免费试用。
The new utility model suitable for different types of keyboards and keyboard covers carries serialized specification. 本实用新型规格系列化,可适用于不同型号的键盘及键帽安装。
The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months. 新疫苗在3个月内彻底根出了这种疾病。

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