Sofar,the finest film still has to be Lee's,the film was set in the second world war about a Chinese resistanceagent,played by Wei Tang,whose mission is to seduce a collaborationist police chief (Tony Leung).Shebeginstofall in lovewith him.
目前为止最优秀的电影仍然是李安的《色·戒》,讲述了二战时期一个抗日组织特工(汤唯饰),她的任务是引诱并除掉一名汉奸政府警察局长(梁朝伟饰),但却爱上了他的故事。 |
Sofia, the new wife of Anna's step-son, recognizes Misha, the brother-in-law of one of the widow's admirers: a few years before, they had been idealistic lovers and now she can't believe he has settled for a dim wife and a job as a teacher.
索菲娅,安娜的继子的新妻,认出了马沙——一位安娜的追求者的妹夫;几年前,他们曾不顾一切地坠入爱河,所以索菲娅难以接受这样的事实:马沙娶了位平庸的妻子,当了教师。 |
Sofitel Riverside Qingyuan already opened on July of 2007.
索菲特丽豪酒店已于2007年7月开业。 |
Sofitel Riverside Qingyuan is the first five star international hotel in Qingyuan city.
索菲特丽豪酒店是清远市首家五星级国际化酒店。 |
Sofitel Xanadu Resort is the second deluxe br hotel of Accor Group in Hangzhou.It st s for the pronoun of luxurious also the best br of Accor.
索菲特世外桃源度假酒店是由法国雅高集团在杭州管理的第二家索菲特品牌的饭店,索菲特是雅高集团的顶级品牌,目前索菲特已经成为豪华酒店品牌的的代名词。 |
Sofitel Xanadu Resort is the second deluxe brand hotel of Accor Group in Hangzhou.It stands for the pronoun of luxurious and also the best brand of Accor.
索菲特世外桃源度假酒店是由法国雅高集团在杭州管理的第二家索菲特品牌的饭店,索菲特是雅高集团的顶级品牌,目前索菲特已经成为豪华酒店品牌的的代名词。 |
Sofitel hotels are located in the world's leading business and holiday destinations. The prestiges of these stablishments have made Sofitel internationally synonymous with the best in hospitality.
法国雅高酒店集团创建于1967年,发展到今天拥有全球140个国家的3700余家饭店的大型跨国酒店管理集团。索菲特是雅高集团的顶级品牌,在世界各地重要城市拥有酒店180家。 |
Soft - Controls the softness of the shadow boundary.
平滑-控制阴影边界的平滑程度。 |
Soft Breathable Cover allows fresh air to circulate through the cover, making your baby dry and preventing diaper rash.
柔软透气表层迅速散透闷热湿气,使您的宝宝常保干爽,有效防止尿布疹。 |
Soft Brushes: Most used for loose shading, smoothing and blurring.
软笔刷:用于对图像进行粗糙的阴影描绘,光滑和模糊。 |
Soft Loading Soft loading refers to the ramping of load onto or off of a generator in a gradual fashion for the purpose of minimizing voltage and frequency transients on the system.
软加载软加载是指在给发电机组增加或减少负载时要逐渐进行,以减少电压和频率对系统的瞬变影响。 |