Mr Allawi, who is in a position to know, narrates in depressing detail how millions of dollars of the defence-procurement budget were spirited out of the country during the interim government of his cousin, Iyad Allawi.
阿拉维用沉闷的细节讲述了在他职位上了解到的他的侄子-艾亚德.阿拉维在临时政府期间怎样将数百万美元的防卫采购预算偷偷带出国外。 |
Mr Anderson argues that imports should recover as overcapacity is used up.
安德森先生认为,当过剩的生产能力被消耗殆尽的时候,进口应该会复苏。 |
Mr Annan lost favour during the build up to the war in Iraq.
安南在伊拉克战争的重建问题上丧失了支持。 |
Mr Annan took the top job at the UN, a decade ago, already battered from his years in charge of UN peacekeeping, after the organisation (and everybody else) failed to stop the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.
安南10年前就任联合国秘书长,在此之前他总管联合国在世界各地的维和行动,94年维和部队未能阻止卢旺达种族屠大杀悲剧,安南遭受猛烈抨击。 |
Mr Arditti has written sensitively about many weighty issues—betrayal, fanaticism, faith—in his previous books.
在阿迪提过去的著作中,他总以感性的笔调描述那些沉甸甸的话题:如背叛、狂热和信仰。 |
Mr Aso speaks of an “arc of freedom and prosperity” from Japan, swinging through India via moderate Middle Eastern states into Europe.
日本外相麻生太郎称“自由与繁荣之弧”——即从日本开始,辗转印度,经过局势缓和的中东,再进入欧州版图。 |
Mr Autuori is a Design Dept Manager at Bouygues, in charge of underground engineering (especially tunnel project) and maritime project, concurrently in management of R&D.
菲利浦·奥图,法国布依格工程公司设计部门经理,负责地下工程(尤其是隧道项目)和海事工程,同时兼管技术研发。 |
Mr Badawi sees the firm as a liability, but to Dr Mahathir any sale would be tantamount to dismantling his legacy.
巴达维把它视作包袱,而对马哈蒂尔来说,将其出售无异于掠走他的遗产。 |
Mr Bai, as you may recall, the February consignment arrived at Manila seriously damaged.
白先生,你也许记得二月份发运的那批货到达马尼拉时,破损严重。 |
Mr Baker is one of the most distinguished practitioners of the Kissingerian school of realpolitik.
贝克先生是一位杰出的,基辛格实力派政策代表着。 |
Mr Baker, a former secretary of state and a long-time friend of the Bush family, acknowledged that a precipitous withdrawal could cause a bloodbath inside Iraq and perhaps provoke a wider regional war.
作为前国务卿,布什家族老朋友的贝克也承认,匆忙的撤军会导致伊拉克内战,甚至引起一场更大范围的地区战争。 |