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You cannot have a properly made tableless layout, and use improper and non-standard code.

You cannot flay the same ox twice. 一头牛不能剥两次皮。
You cannot generalize about the effects of the drug from one or two cases. 不能根据一两个病例就得出该药是否有效的结论.
You cannot get money in Russia. They don't accept credit cards. When you left Russia, you can swipe your card freely in European countries. 信用卡你在苏联取不着钱。在苏联就用卢布吗,出了苏联以后到欧洲,到了欧洲国家你就刷卡就行了。
You cannot go out tonight, it is raining cats and dogs. 你今晚不能出去,正在下倾盆大雨。
You cannot grow wiser and cling to attachment. 舍不得放,不能为智者。
You cannot have a properly made tableless layout, and use improper and non-standard code. 你不可能使用不合适的或不标准的代码来进行无表布局。
You cannot have it both ways. 你不可能两面讨好。
You cannot hide from me! 休想从我面前逃掉。
You cannot hold onto yesterday. 不要摆脱不了昨天。
You cannot ignore competition or paint an inaccurate picture. 你不能忽视竞争或不准确地描绘竞争。
You cannot imagine how I feel when a child puts her favorite “Young beauty” paster into my hands, when a child secretly places a letter into my drawer and when a child tells me that he loves me. 你无法想象,当孩子们悄悄地把她最喜爱的“美少女”贴纸塞近我手里时,我的感觉是怎样的;当孩子们偷偷地把自己写给我的信放在我抽屉时,我的感觉是怎样的;当孩子们轻轻地告诉我,他很爱我时,我的感觉又是怎么样的。

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