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The following aspects, such as setting prejudication judger system, rationally collocating the rights and incumbency of pretrial both sides, establishing force answer system for appellee and mounting pretrial meeting system, should be the basic breakthrou

The following are very rare road names. Please tick (“√”) your choice in the corresponding box. Remember: only one choice is allowed to be made for one road name. 以下路名比较特殊,应当如何翻译,请您在同意的译法后打“√”,每一条道路只能钩选1种译法。
The following article makes a probe into the characteristics of words in news English from the perspectives of word expansion, word coinage, borrowed words, heavy use of attributes, short words and so on. 本文从旧词衍生、旧词派生、新词催生、外来词语、前置定语、简短词汇等方面探讨了新闻英语的词汇特点。
The following article points out the demerits in the computer management of the students' status, stressing the necessity and technical in put of designing intelligence management in students' general status. 摘要本文指出了目前在计算机学籍管理工作中的不足,提出设计智能型通用学籍管理系统的必要性及其技术实现。
The following article suggests that it has, and it calls for a nationwide campaign to honor deceased service members by naming and counting them. 下述文章呼吁所有美国人行动起来,以荣誉清洗被病菌污染的数字,重新计算他们的数目和名字.
The following aspects are suggested in order to solve them: having a correct motive; stimulating study interest; promoting education for all-round development; strengthening perseverance; fostering study method; optimizing study tactics; shifting teachers 要解决这些问题,可以从端正学习动机、激发学习兴趣,推动素质教育、增强学习毅力,培训学习方法、优化学习策略,转变教师观念、服务自主学习,加强软硬件建设、提供优质平台,改革考试制度、创新评价体系等六个方面进行。
The following aspects, such as setting prejudication judger system, rationally collocating the rights and incumbency of pretrial both sides, establishing force answer system for appellee and mounting pretrial meeting system, should be the basic breakthrou 应从设置预审法官制度、合理配置审前各方的权利义务、建立强制被告答辩制度、设置审前会议制度等方面作为基本切入点完善我国的审前程序机制。
The following attachments will form an integral part of a later Purchase Order and shall under the Purchase Order govern in the same order of precedence. 下面的各个附件是稍后的采购订单的组成部分,在该采购订单下具有相同的优先顺序。
The following books are available for purchase at the Coop Bookstore. There is also a Course Reader; readings from it are indicated on the schedule of readings by an asterisk (*). 下列书单可见于库博书店的书架上。至于参考书目的部分,即教学时程用星号(*)表示的文章。
The following case is a typical example of the Ombudsman's work. 下述事件是司法特派员工作的一个典型例子。
The following checklist has been provided to assist in evaluating plant operations for GMP Compliance. 下表用于厂家在生产时,其GMP是否与要求一致。
The following checklists are intended to itemize important considerations in order to determine the viability of any new raw material source. 以下的清单目的在于详细列明重要的考虑因素,以确定任何原材料来源的生存能力。

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