Visitors can take part in the amazing exploration journey , enjoy a trip to the fairy tale world, and take pictures with disney cartoon characters in memory of the experience, which explores among them to be happy and interesting heartily.
到访的游客可以投入刺激的探险旅程,畅游童话世界,与迪士尼卡通人物拍照留念,尽情发掘其中的快乐和趣味。 |
Visitors can watch as teams of two bulls get decorated and them race around a 2 km dirt track.
游客可以看到两头公牛和参赛骑士装扮一番后,奔驰两千米的泥地跑道。 |
Visitors from other European countries also hit record levels, up 17 per cent to more than 2.3 million.
来自其他欧洲国家的游客人数也打破了纪录,上升了17%,人数达到了230万。 |
Visitors from: technicians, scientists, managers and researchers of scientific research, product design, manufacture and production in domestic appliance, telecommunication, apparatus, aviation, spaceflight, national defense, energy, railway transportatio
观众来源:家电、通信、仪器、航空、航天、国防、能源、铁道、交通、核工业、电力、石油、电工、机械、水利、化工、冶金、医疗等行业中从事科学研究、产品设计、生产制造的科技人员、技术人员、管理干部和大专院校等。 |
Visitors leave thousands of messages about each of her articles, applauding her open, free writing style, commenting on films or taking advantage of her popularity to advertise their own blogs or businesses.
对她的每一篇文章,访问者都留下大量的评论,或称赞她开放、自由的写作风格,或评论电影,或利用她的声望为自己的博客或商业做广告。 |
Visitors left approving remarks in the comment books.
参观的人在留言簿上留下了满意的话。 |
Visitors look at hinadolls at a community center in Katsura, western Japan on Sunday.
参观民众周日在日本关西胜浦市一个社区中心里观赏雏人形娃娃。 |
Visitors looking for a place to stay usually find themselves directed here, as most of the temporary lodgings in the city are found in Midtown.
由于城里绝大多数的旅馆都在市中心,希望能够找个地方落脚的旅者们通常直接来到这里。 |
Visitors may come because they have heard of the good cultural entertainment you can show them, or to take part in a sports event such as a hike or a run.
游客有可能是获悉地方上推出的文化娱乐表演而慕名前来,或者是来参加诸如远足或赛跑等赛事。 |
Visitors might also travel to the nearby promenade by bicycles.
参观人士可以单车代步,前往大埔海滨游览。 |
Visitors must be 18 years of age or over.
浏览人士必须年满十八岁。 |