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The students sit on their seats in the classroom by twos and threes.

The students should be given [allowed, permitted] more latitude in choosing course. 学生在选课方面应给予更多的馀地。
The students should keep (in) step with their teachers. 学生应该跟老师的步调一致。
The students shout encouragement in that game. 那场比赛中,学生们大声鼓劲。
The students show their own stationary in the group and introduce it. 开展小组活动,让学生拿着自己的学习用品作介绍,把词与句整合起来,进行说话训练。
The students sit in a circle on the floor. 学生们在地板上坐成一圈。
The students sit on their seats in the classroom by twos and threes. 学生们三三两两地坐在教室里。
The students sowed their wild oats before leaving university to become doctors. 离开大学成为医生前,学生们干一些荒唐事。
The students speak English very fluently. (这些学生英语说得非常流利。)
The students streamed into the auditorium. 学生们络绎不绝地进入礼堂。
The students study very hard. 学生们学习很努力。
The students sweated blood while waiting for the examination results. 学生们焦虑不安地等待考试成绩。

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