Globular cluster is a group of tens of thousands to millions of stars bounded under gravity.
球状星团由上万至百万的恒星组成,在一个细小範围内由万有引力维系的集团。 |
Globulars transport us mentally through time, opening our eyes to the rich layering of history in the heavens.
球状星团运载著我们的心智,穿越时空,为我们开启了探究宇宙丰富历史的眼睛。 |
Globulin A kind of globular protein that dissolves in dilute salt solutions but is relatively insoluble in pure water.
球蛋白:是一种可溶于稀盐,但在纯水中相对难溶的球状蛋白。 |
Globus Drahtseil GmbH &Co. KG is a company operating within many ranges and offers wire ropes, Chain sling with hook as well as stopping rope.
KG是一家现代化的、可靠的专门产品供应商,这家供应商从事起重钢丝绳,钢丝绳,吊钩链的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的产品系列和服务。 |
Glogg: Boring! We should just off him and be done with it!
无聊!我们应该干掉他,这样一切就搞掂了。 |
Gloin`s Double Axes (Level 20) - Gimli will throw two axes at once with his axe throwing skill. Both will track!
野蛮双斧(要求等级20),吉姆利可以手持两把斧子进行攻击.如果是扔出斧子也可以同时投出. |
Gloom golems howl incessantly but do not communicate.
深黯魔像会不间断地嚎叫,但无法进行交流。 |
Gloomily, Alan climbed into the sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep. Beside him Alice slept, her breathing seeming to keep in time with the insistent beat of crickets.
阿兰闷闷不乐地钻进自己的睡袋,渐渐地进入了梦乡。躺在他身旁的爱丽丝也睡着了,她的呼吸声似乎和蛐蛐儿的鸣叫声保持同步。 |
Gloominess is the patent of beautiful girls.
周奔驰:忧郁是漂亮女孩的专利。 |
Gloomy Sunday! With shadows I spit all.
绝望的星期天!我将把它与阴影一起消磨待尽。 |
Gloria International Hotels takes your privacy and security very seriously and we have taken steps to guard your privacy via the Mailing Lists.
凯莱国际酒店集团非常重视您的隐私权,我们也已采取进一步措施,加强在邮件列表方面的安全管理。 |