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Listen to music or read a book that makes you laugh .

Listen to it, man! Nigger this, nigger that.You think white people go around calling each other honkies all day, man? Hey, honky, how's business?Going great, cracker. We're diversifying. 你自己听,伙计!“黑鬼这个,黑鬼那个”。你什么时候听过白人成天互相称呼“白鬼”?“嘿,白鬼,生意怎么样?”“很好,白佬,我们正向多元化发展。”
Listen to me and then repeat. 听我读,然后重复一遍。
Listen to me just once, OK ? 就听我一次吧,好吗?
Listen to me just once, OK? 就听我一次吧,好吗?
Listen to music in the car, or read a magazine while standing in line. 在车上听听音乐,或者在排队购物中看看杂志、书、报等。
Listen to music or read a book that makes you laugh . 听音乐或是读一本能使自己发笑的书。
Listen to music, read a good book or go out with a friend. 听听音乐,读一本好书或和朋友出去走走。
Listen to my part, my heart just for you ,give your love, i want to knock at your heart,let me fell wondowful fly of you! 让我依偎,快乐无罪,因为胤在我心中,在你吻里狼狈,我从来不曾完美,请让我拥有告解的机会,爱是我唯一的原罪!
Listen to relaxing,uplifting music. 听一些轻松的、让人振奋的音乐。
Listen to something that you've written in the past, or a popular song that you like. 听听你在过去写的一些东西,或你喜欢的一首很流行的歌。
Listen to songs. Sing along. 听著歌,跟著唱。

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