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The $1,000,000 Macau Race Horse Owners Association Cup will be held in Race 6, a rating 75+ event over 1,100M.

The virtual machinenature, garbage collection and lack of pointers made it easy to make bulletproof apps that didn't crash and had no resource leaks. “虚拟机”机制、垃圾回收以及没有指针等使它很容易实现不易崩溃且不会泄漏资源的可靠程序。
The whyof lupus is unknown, but the disease is 10 times more likely to affect women, so there hae been suspicions about an estrogen link. 狼疮的病因还不清楚,但是女性发病率是男性的10倍以上,因此怀疑与雌激素相关。
The will to livedies in the non-fulfillment of the life expression. 在无实现的生命表达中,“生活的意志”死亡。
The xianshiI said is a verb. 韩佳:我刚才说的“现实”是个动词。
The $ 65 million state - of - the - art museum nestling on the shores of Lake Geneva brings together relics of the origins of the Ancient Greek Games. 采用最新技术的博物馆座落在日内瓦河畔,它投资6500万美元,荟萃了古希腊奥运会起源的所有遗物。
The $1,000,000 Macau Race Horse Owners Association Cup will be held in Race 6, a rating 75+ event over 1,100M. 重头戏「澳门马主协会盃」奖金为一百万元,编排于第六场举行,由评分75及以上之良驹角逐一千一百米。
The $1.7 billion Taipei 101 last year surpassed the twin Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, which Robert has also scaled, as the world's tallest building. 造价17亿美元的台北101大楼去年刚刚落成,它超过了吉隆坡的双子塔,成为世界第一高楼。罗伯特曾攀上过双子塔。
The $3-billion international craft took detailed visible, infrared and ultraviolet images of the rings. 这架造价30亿美元的国际级太空船,以可见光、红外光以及紫外光拍摄了土星环的细部影像。
The $400,000 Macau Race Horse Owners Association Plate, a rating 67-42 race over 1,800M will be held in Race 4. 奖金四十万元之「澳门马主协会碟」率先安排于第四场上演,由评分67-42之马匹竞逐一千八百米。
The $500 I owed him and the $500 he owes me cancel out. 我欠他的五百元和他欠我的五百元抵消掉了。
The $500 million goal was reached in 1999 — six years ahead of the target date. 5亿美元的目标已在1999年达成,比原定日期提早6年。

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