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I\'ll never forget the summer holidays (which / that) I spent on the seashore .

I\'ll figure it out later. 我等下会把它想通.
I\'ll find out John\'s address, and ring you back. 我要查一查约翰的地址,然后再给你回电话。
I\'ll give her what for if she does that again. 她要是再这样干我就收拾她.
I\'ll have a sandwich for lunch. 我午餐想吃三明治。
I\'ll have to ring you back, as I need to have a look at my diary and I haven\'t got it with me. 一下给你回电话,因为我需要看一看记事本,而记事本不在我身边。
I\'ll never forget the summer holidays (which / that) I spent on the seashore . 我决不会忘记在海滨度过的那个暑假。
I\'ll never forgive myself. 我永远不能原谅自己。
I\'ll now call on Tom for an answer. 我现在就请汤姆回答。
I\'ll see you off at Taoyuan CKS International Airport. 我会去桃园中正国际机场为你送行。
I\'ll stand by you. 我会帮助你。
I\'ll take that into account. 我会考虑那件事的。

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