Wash away with water to a drain or sewer according to local govt. and work site regulations.
依据当地政府和工作场所的有关规定,用水冲刷排放,可通过常规排污道。 |
Wash blocking tip with alcohol or salvent.
一旦喷口堵塞,可用酒精或溶剂油洗涤。 |
Wash cattlefish, wipe dry and mince then in a meat grinder.
墨鱼肉洗净,抹乾水切碎,放入碎肉机内搅烂。 |
Wash check module and O-ring and inspect for any damage. If damaged, reinstall new parts.
冲洗止回模块和O形环,检查是否损坏。如果已经损坏,则重新安装新的部件。 |
Wash chicken drumsticks. Drain. Marinate with turmeric powder and salt. Set aside.
鸡腿洗乾净,沥乾水份,用黄姜粉和盐略腌,备用。 |
Wash eggplants. Cut off both ends. Cut into half horizontally. Remove the seeds and pith.
制法:1.茄子以清水洗净,切去头部及尾部,纵切为二,去瓢。 |
Wash gear with warm soapy water at least once a month and hang up to drip dry.
建议每月清洁护具一次。清洁时,可用和暖的肥皂水抹拭,其后挂起滴乾。 |
Wash hands and don gloves.
洗手,戴手套。 |
Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the product. Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs.
处理完毕,休息之前须洗手;该产品应远离食物、饮料和喂养动物的饲料。 |
Wash hands use the soap is one of the way the invoice the disease spread.
用肥皂洗手是有效防止疾病传播的一种方式。 |
Wash hands with soap is an effective way of preventing diseases from spread.
用肥皂洗手是有效防止疾病传播的一种方式。 |