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A companion should be companionable.

A commutable prison sentence. 可减刑的监狱判决
A commuter who once crashed on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge in the nation's capital helped demolish part of it early Tuesday morning. 星期二早晨早些时候,一名曾在美国首都伍德罗·威尔逊大桥发生过撞车事故的通勤者帮着拆毁该桥的一部分。
A compact but extremely sturdy design for high pressure-temperature service. 结构紧凑,非常坚固,适用于高压高温应用领域。
A compact intersection of interlaced material, such as cord, ribbon, or rope. 结细绳、绸带或粗绳等材料交织而形成的紧密联接
A companion in play or recreation. 游戏伙伴一起游戏或消遣的伙伴
A companion should be companionable. 姑妈:陪伴可是要好相处的。
A companion to Basic Histological Techniques demonstrating how tissues are fixed, embedded, sectioned, mounted and stained in preparation for viewing in the electron microscope. 利用电子显微镜观察细胞组织如何进行固定术、植入固定、切割、制作涂片及染色法等实验技巧。
A company based in China, and previously responsible for the distribution of Creek Audio products, has undertaken to manufacture a copy of an earlier model Creek amplifier and market it as a new design from Creek Audio. (现已确认有)一家原先负责“朗泉音响”产品分销的中国公司实施生产了一款早期型号朗泉功放的复制品,同时他们还以“朗泉音响”新设计的名义销售它。
A company can gain competitive advantage, therefore, through offering superior benefits, lower prices or a reduced cost of ownership. 于是,一个公司通过提供更多的好处、更低的价格或降低占有成本可以获得竞争优势。
A company can only have one domicile which has been registered by the company registration authority. 经公司登记机关登记的公司的住所只能有一个。
A company could compensate for higher costs by raising prices for consumers or by sizing down packages. 经营者要么通过提高价格,要么通过货物“缩水”来补偿他们所受的损失。

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