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Porokeratosis of Mibelli following bone marrow transplantation

Pooled DNA amplification and its application 混合DNA样品池扩增法及其应用
Population screening showed that 8% of homozygous blue-shelled layers(OO) were classified as AA genotype at the SNP loci, while 89% of heterozygous blue-shelled layers(Oo) were AB genotype and 9 % of tinted layers(oo) were BB genotype. 在纯合绿壳蛋鸡群体中,8%的个体在个位点均发生突变,标为AA型,杂合绿壳群体中AB型为89%,粉壳蛋鸡群体中9 %的个体与红色原鸡序列一致,标为BB型。
Populus euphratica Oliv. 胡杨(Populus euphraticaOliv.)
Populus tomentosa Carr.,Robinia hispida Linn. 刺槐(Robinia hispida Linn.)
Porcelain Vessels of tghe Marbled Texture and Marbled Glaze 绞胎器与“绞釉”器
Porokeratosis of Mibelli following bone marrow transplantation 骨髓移植后发生Mibelli汗孔角化症
Porokeratosis of Mibelli induced by topical corticosteroid 局部外用皮质类固醇引起Mibelli型汗孔角化症
Porphyria cutanea tarda: a case report 迟发性皮肤卟啉症一例
Porting μCL inux Based on Jupiter and Development of Application 基于Jupiter的μCL inux的移植及其应用程序开发
Positive cell showed diffuse or local diffusion in SQCC and surrounded around adeno alveola in ADC. 鳞形细胞癌阳性细胞呈弥散或局灶分布 ,腺癌则呈腺泡状分布。
Positive coefficient of two expert consultation were 9 .0% and 9.%; Kendall coefficient were 0. 9(/= 0., P>0.0) and 0.(^=9., P>0.0) ; 两轮专家咨询的积极系数分别为9 .0%、9.%,协调系数分别为0. 9(X~= 0.,P>0.0)、0.(X~=9.,P>0.0),本研究的专家权威系数为0.9;

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