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Despite the growing evidence against a long-lived seaway in Miocene Amazonia, the strontium signatures in the mollusks revealed that this enormous lake system did experience occasional salinity increases.

Despite the geographical misappropriation, since 1987 Alligator mississippiensis has been Florida's official state reptile. 尽管地理分布位置并不相符,弗罗里达州仍在1987年把密西西比短吻鳄定为该州官方的代表爬虫。
Despite the good weather forecast, the next morning was as wet as ever. 尽管预报称天气很好,但次日上午仍阴雨绵绵。
Despite the great gains in industry, agriculture remained the nation‘s basic occupations. 尽管工业的收益很大,农业仍是国民的基础产业。
Despite the great importance of this feast in the Orthodox liturgical calendar, it is not considered a matter of dogma as in the Catholic Church (dogmatization of the Dormition for the Roman Catholic Church was formalized by a Roman Catholic pope after th 尽管按照东正教历法来说,这个节日十分重要,但并没有纳入天主教教条之内(大分裂之后,被罗马教宗形式化的罗马天主教武断地指出,并不接受东正教有关“死亡”的教条。)
Despite the great variety of fashions in today's world,we have been sticking to our design conception of advancing with the times;we enable our products with both original use value and the aestheic function. 在各类流行时尚愈加多元化的今天,我们始终保持着与时具进的设计理念,使产品在具备了原始的利用价值之余也能带给顾客品位的欣赏.
Despite the growing evidence against a long-lived seaway in Miocene Amazonia, the strontium signatures in the mollusks revealed that this enormous lake system did experience occasional salinity increases. 尽管越来越多的证据,反对亚马逊河流域在中新世有长存的海道,但是软体动物壳上的锶标记,却还显示出这个庞大的湖泊系统,的确经历了几次盐份升高的过程。
Despite the hardness of his bed, he is soon sleeping soundly. 虽然床很硬,他还是很快地睡熟了。
Despite the hardness of his bed, he was soon sleeping soundly. 虽然床很硬,他还是很快地睡熟了。
Despite the high cost of therapeutic proteins, demand for them is soaring. 就算这种治疗用的蛋白质价格不菲,但需求量却直线上扬。
Despite the historic antipathy between Britain and France, one in five Britons wish they were born on the other side of the English Channel, according to a poll. 一项民意调查显示,虽然英法两国之间存在历史宿怨,但五分之一的英国人觉得还是生在法国好。
Despite the inconsistencies, the bulk of evidence points strongly to a problem in the brains of suicides involving the serotonin system. 虽然有这麽些不一致之处,但是大多数的证据强烈指出,自杀者脑中的问题,与血清张力素系统有关。

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