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If a chthonian's star does not strip off its atmosphere, ices found in a giant's core might survive underneath.

If a child process terminates, all other child processes are terminated and then all child processes, including the terminated one, are restarted. 如果一个子进程终止了,其它子进程全部被终止。然后所有子进程,包括终止了的那个,全部重启。
If a child seeks bread from his father and it is not forthcoming has not the father answered? 如果一个孩子回答爸爸要面包,面包没有到手,这也不是父亲的答复吗?
If a child tells you her friend got sick in the bathroom, she is reporting to the person who most needs to hear the report. 如有孩子告诉你:她的朋友在厕所里病倒了,她是向最需要听到这报告的人来通报。
If a choking victim is sitting or standing, you should stand directly behind him or her. Put your arms around the victim's waist. 如果一个窒息的患者正坐着或站着,你应站在他或她的正背后。用手臂环绕患者的腰。
If a chow chews shoes how does it choose which shoes to chew ? 如果一只中国家犬嚼鞋子,它怎么知道选哪些鞋子来嚼呢?
If a chthonian's star does not strip off its atmosphere, ices found in a giant's core might survive underneath. 如果地狱行星的恒星并没有剥光它的大气,在巨行星核心发现的冰,便可以留存于地表之下。
If a circle of area 24 is cut into 6 equal sectors, what is the area of each sector? 如果将一个面积为24的圆,切割成六等份,每一区块的面积将是多少?
If a citizen who has the right to bring a suit is deceased, his near relatives may bring the suit. 有权提起诉讼的公民死亡,其近亲属可以提起诉讼。
If a citizen's complaint is justified, the Ombudsman will act on his behalf. 如果公民的意见正确,司法特派员便为他伸张正义。
If a claim form has been served, but the defendant wishes to challenge the propriety of service or the existence of jurisdiction over him, the proceedings is found in Civil Procedure Rules Part 11. 如果诉状格式已被送达,而被告异议送达的适当性或管辖权的存在的,其可根据《民事诉讼规则》第11章提出管辖权异议。
If a claimant was nearly injured (because of an impact near the driver's seat, for example), the accident is less likely to have been staged and the claim less likely to be fraudulent, even if it is being filed on a Monday. 如果索赔人几乎受伤(例如,由于司机座位附近的撞击),此事故就不大可能是伪造的,那么索赔的欺诈性也较低,即使这件索赔是在周一早晨递交。

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