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A commissar is the bearer of the Emperor's Law, and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement, sentence and punishment.

A commentator in The Beijing News suggested that the Pinghe government's action was representative of a local government strategy to push problems off onto its constituents rather than addressing the core issues of poverty, the practice of paying for dipl 《新京报》的一位评论员指出,平和县政府的行为地方政府的典型,制订的政策不考虑民众意见,处理问题的完全是一厢情愿,而不去追究和解决问题产生的根源在于贫困,以及强加的不受学生欢迎认可的教育系统问题,仅仅要家长花钱给孩子买毕业证书。
A commercial book, not a scholarly tome. 一本以赚钱为目的而不是学术性的书籍
A commercial college teaches things that would be useful in business. 商学院教授那些在商业中可能会有用的东西。
A commercial establishment for processing or selling milk and milk products. 牛奶公司,乳品店一种加工或出售牛奶和奶制品的商业机构
A commercial trucker. 从事商业的卡车运输业者
A commissar is the bearer of the Emperor's Law, and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement, sentence and punishment. 政委是帝皇法则的传达者,拥有执行判决和惩罚士兵的绝对权利。
A commissar retains the absolute right to administer justice both on and off the battlefield. 无论在战场上还是在非战斗期间,他们都拥有任意审判一个士兵的绝对权利。
A commissar shall judge you fairly, but any sign of cowardice or weakness shall be purged from his sight. 政委会公平地看待每一个人,但任何怯懦或是软弱的人,他都会将其从视线中抹去。
A commissioned unit shall collect taxes lawfully in the name of the taxation authority pursuant to the conditions stipulated in the certificate of a commissioned tax collector. 受托单位按照代征证书的要求,以税务机关的名义依法征收税款。
A commitment to citizens is the implied covenant with the public, which tells the audience that the movie reviews are straight, that the restaurant reviews are not influenced by who buys an ad, that the coverage is not self-interested or slanted for frien 对市民的承诺是对公众的一种含蓄的誓约,它知会受众电影评论是坦诚直率的;关于餐馆的讲说并不受买主及广告商的影响;其新闻报道的范围也不会以自我为本位或向友人倾斜。
A commitment to excellence, integrity, being hereeveryday. 一种对每天卓越、正直、「存在这里」的承诺。

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