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These are people who are close to you and love you and can help steer you in the right direction.

These are our new models. 这是我们的新样品。
These are our partnership in Australia. We are sincerely seeking for companies, galleries, hotels, shops in China which can help us with our partners and our products. 以下是我们在澳大利亚的新合作项目,我公司真诚地希望中国各地的画廊、商店、酒店、艺术管等相关企业能参与合作,谢谢!
These are our specialties.Many visitors come here to taste them. 这是我们的特色菜,许多游客都来这里品尝。
These are ours, and those are theirs. 这些是我们的,那些是他们的。
These are part of your racial heritage. 这些是你们人类物种遗产的一部分。
These are people who are close to you and love you and can help steer you in the right direction. 这些亲近你并且爱你的人一定会在方向的掌握上帮助你的。
These are phrases like, Oh, how can I put it? 它们是这样的一些语句:噢,我该怎么表达呢?
These are physics questions; they are not likely to be solved by statistically unsubstantiable means. ’这些都是一些物理学方面的问题;它们不象能够由统计学的非实质性手段来解决。
These are plants found in the field. 这是些野生植物。
These are political rather than social matters. 这是政治问题而不是社会问题。
These are pre-conditions, and they're obligations for the client. 这些就是前置条件,是客户端的义务。

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