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The goalkeeper left Japan with his flaws laid bare.??????

The goalkeeper is playing second fiddle to Angelo Peruzzi and is now set to ask away when the transfer window reopens. 这名门将现在担任球队的二好门将,排在佩鲁济之后.他已经做好了在转会窗口重开之际离开拉齐奥的准备.
The goalkeeper is recovering from a back injury and was unable to play in Saturday's 4-2 win over Bari, but was at the Stadio Olimpico to enjoy the side's solitary leadership of the table. 守门员正在从背伤中恢复过来,并没有参加星期六4:2战胜巴里的比赛,但是他很享受球队在积分榜上的领头羊位置.
The goalkeeper is the heel of Achille in this team. 这支球队的致命弱点就在于没有优秀的守门员。
The goalkeeper jumped and caught the ball. 守门员跳起来接住了球。
The goalkeeper just managed to palm the ball over the crossbar. 守门员用手掌将球托出了球门的横木。
The goalkeeper left Japan with his flaws laid bare.?????? 这位守门员离开了日本,而他的缺点却暴露无遗。??????
The goalkeeper made a spectacular dive to save the goal. 守门员做了一个精彩的鱼跃动作救回一球.
The goalkeeper opted to remain with the giants after demotion last summer, but he has hinted that he may be on the move at the end of this campaign. 这名门将在去年这只豪门球队降级后毅然决定留下,但表示可能在今年夏天转投其他球队。
The goalkeeper's cap is red. 守门员戴的则是红帽。
The goalkeeper, centre-backs, full-backs, wingers and lone striker are all duplicated in kind and quality. 门将、后腰、后卫、边锋以及单前锋在类型和能力方面都很相似。
The goalkeeping training category covers a player's aerial ability, handling, kicking, throwing and one on ones. 守门员训练增加制空能力,手控球,大脚开球,手抛球和一对一的能力。

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