He was wary of telling state secrets.
他小心翼翼以免泄漏国家机密。 |
He was washed out two years ago.
他两年前破产了。 |
He was waylaid by a band of guerrillas.
他遭到游击队的狙击。 |
He was wearing a pleasant smile.
他一直面露愉快的微笑。 |
He was wearing a pleated skirt, white bra, black and white saddle shoes, and a woman's wig.
他身上穿着一件百褶裙,白色的胸罩,黑白线条的鞋子和女人的假发。 |
He was wearing a rather brash tie.
他系著一条颇为显眼的领带. |
He was wearing a sailor's T-shirt with colored stripes and ordinary trousers held up by a rope instead of a belt, and he was barefoot.
他穿着上面有彩色条纹的海员T恤,普通长裤是用绳子而不是裤带系着的,赤着双脚。 |
He was wearing casual clothes, not his school ones.
他穿着他的便服,不是他的校服。 |
He was wearing striped pajamas.
他穿着带条纹的睡衣裤。 |
He was weighed down by shopping bags .
他被那些沉重的购物袋压垮了。 |
He was weighed down with weapons and equipment.
他被武器和设备压得喘不过气来。 |