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Those fighters just had a dog-fight in the sky.

Those fashion jewelry will fit you very well. 这款比较时尚点~你非常适合这类的首饰~~!
Those fast electrons cause the water to emit light, which comes out more or less along the electron's direction of travel. 那些快速的电子会导致水沿着电子的行进方向发出光。
Those features stated as upgrades are nothing less then MAJOR redesigns to the Aircraft. 那些宣称的改进可绝对是对此机的大型重新设计。
Those females were often called housewives only because they sacrifice their profession for homes. 那些女性之所以常常被称为“家庭主妇”,是因为她们为了家庭放弃了职业。
Those fictions had displayed a political viewpoint in 1950-1970s and shifted partly with humanityas one of the key elements of writing in 1980s; After 1990s, the presentation perspective of intellectuals has been diving thoroughly with the individual priv 50-70年代,该题材小说主要是国家视角;新时期开始后发生了不彻底的转向,“人性”成为书写的要素之一,但此前表现视角的惯性仍然在起作用;90年代以后,对知识分子的表现视角彻底下移,个体性的私人书写代替了群体性的国家言说。
Those fighters just had a dog-fight in the sky. 那些战斗机在天空中缠斗.
Those figures are nearly indistinguishable. 那些花纹不易区别。
Those final 14 were the survivors of a process that began with the solicitation of applications from 800 colleges and universities worldwide, resulting in 120 submissions. 一开始主办单位向全世界800个大专院校发出活动通知,结果有120件提出申请,最后剩下这14件作品脱颖而出。
Those five pages also typify his odd priorities. 那5页也是他古怪优先权的典型例子。
Those flowers look pretty but donōt give off a nice smell. 这些花看似漂亮,但是气味并不好。
Those folks are really good at name-calling; maybe they should look in the mirror first and see who they really are before they call us all those bad names. 那班人挺会斗嘴的;也许他们应该回去照照镜子看清他们自己是谁再来骂我们。

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