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Transfer liquid into a deep container and add star anise seeds, cinnamon and bay leaf.

Transfer China language repeater forever at a low price now, is it change speed to have 8 more permitted, reply and read in 480 seconds, can see the screen too at night, the blue is lighted at night, deal with at a low price now, 120 RMB, if buy sincerely 现在低价转让永华牌复读机,可以8倍变速,480秒复读,屏幕夜间也可以看见,蓝色夜间照明,现在低价处理了,120元,如有诚意购买,本人另外赠送4节充电电池,可以在机内充电,无需另买充电器,电池原先放在在复读机里面用的,这样就摆脱了电线的忧愁。
Transfer Function... 传输函数分析...
Transfer between Manila and P.G. 机场/酒店来回接送。
Transfer cells are active cells containing many mitochondria, and are concerned with short-distance transport of solutes. 传递细胞具有很多的线粒体,与细胞中溶质分子的短途运输有关。
Transfer feeder which was the very important compounds of stamping forming affected the whole level of stamping forming. 送料机构作为冲压生产中的关键组成,其发展直接影响着整个冲压生产水平。
Transfer liquid into a deep container and add star anise seeds, cinnamon and bay leaf. 将上述混合后的部分转移到一个深的容器中,再加八角,桂皮和香叶。
Transfer manicotti to the dish in a single layer; cover with remaining 1 1/4 cups tomato sauce, and sprinkle with Parmesan. 把通心粉平铺放入盘子中;把剩余的11/4杯番茄沙司涂在上面,干酪撒在上面。
Transfer of Ownership Declaration issued by the Seller, Notarized and endorsed by the Seller's Bank. 由卖方发出,经卖方银行认可与公证人确认的所有权转让申明书。
Transfer of genetic material or characteristics from one bacterial cell to another by a bacteriophage or plasmid. 转导作用通过噬菌或质料把基因材料或特征从一种病菌细胞转到另一种病菌细胞。
Transfer of technology, developed out of fundamental research in the Institute, to industry has led to considerable benefits to the national economy and society. 在理论研究的支撑下,多项科技成果得以转化并实现产业化,取得显著经济和社会效益。
Transfer problems exited in Shanghai Mass Transit are listed and analyzed through the case of Shanghai Railway Station where the Shanghai rail transit Line 1 &Line 3 join and intersect. 摘要分析了上海市轨道交通换乘的现状,并以上海站的换乘问题爲例定量计算了换乘方案间的社会效益差异,说明解决换乘问题的重要程度。

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