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The wolf's mouth is plated with gold colored to makes it look even better!

The wolf pushed the door open and looked into the room. When the cook saw the wolf, the cook shook with fear and pushed the door. 那只狼推开门朝屋子里看。厨师看见狼时吓得浑身发抖并把门推上。
The wolf seized hold of poor little Riding-hood, and was just about to eat her up, when there was a great noise outside, and door burst open and in 'shed the wood-cutters, who had seen the wolf talking to the little girl in the wood, and came to see what 狼一下抓住可怜的小红帽,正要吃她,正在这时,门外一阵喧嚷,门被撞开了,冲进几个打柴人,这些打柴人早就见狼与小女孩在林子里谈话,于是就过来看看,它究竟要捣什么鬼。
The wolf went back again. The soft voice and the white claws. Oh, it is Mommy!The little sheep opened the door. 狼重新回到山羊的家。“温柔的声音,白白的爪子,是妈妈!”小山羊们说着打开了门。
The wolf went back to the little sheep's house. Open the door, babies.He said softly. No! You are not our Mommy. Your claws are too black.Little sheep said. 狼又回到小山羊的房子旁边。“开门,宝贝们。”他温柔地说。“不!你不是我们的妈妈,你的爪子太黑了!”
The wolf's attitude towards surviving is simple which constant desire for success is. 狼的态度很单纯,那就是对成功坚定不移地向往。
The wolf's mouth is plated with gold colored to makes it look even better! 芬里尔狼有经过特殊处理:除了加黑影让形状更立体外,下半部分(嘴巴)还镀了金色,看起来很错喔!
The wolf-effect theory holds that wolves kept elk numbers at a level that prevented them from gobbling up every tree or willow that poked its head aboveground. 灰狼效应理论认为,狼群把麋鹿数量维持在一个程度以下,让麋鹿不至于啃食所有从地面探出头来的树苗。
The wolves and dingoes walked out in protest. 狼和野狗愤然离会表示抗议。
The wolves swung in behind, yelping in chorus. 群狼紧随其后,齐声大叫。
The wolves warily approached the camp fire looking for food. 狼群小心翼翼地靠近营火,寻觅食物。
The woman accused of slashing a young mother's throat and kidnapping her baby convulsed in sobs during her arraignment in Missouri. 36-year-old Shannon Torrez has pleaded not guilty. 密苏里州36岁的杜兰丝被控割伤一名年轻母亲的喉咙并绑架了她的婴儿,在传讯期间她抽搐呜咽,恳求不要判她有罪。

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