A fact sheet from the State Department touting the virtues of the Nonproliferation Treaty, including the text of the treaty and a summary of key provisions.
出自美国国务院的一张简表,说明禁止核武扩散的优点,包含了条约内容和重要条款的概要。 |
A faction in our club tried to use it for their own purposes.
我们俱乐部中的小圈圈,试图利用俱乐部来达到他们个人的目的。 |
A factor is appointed with the power to negotiate and conclude contracts in the territory on behalf of his principal.
独立代理拥有在本区域内代表委托人与客户谈判并签订合同的权力。 |
A factor may have a stock of the products, which will belong to the principal but will enable the factor to satisfy the contract that he negotiates.
独立代理可以本身拥有存货,这些存货仍属委托人所有,但可以保证供应他自己所签订的合同。 |
A factory must try to diversify for further development.
一个工厂要获得进一步发展就要努力使产品多样化。 |
A factory went bankrupt because of management.
一家公司因经营管理不善而破产。 |
A faculty member on full-time active duty must not have significant outside managerial responsibilities nor act as a principal investigator on sponsored projects that could be conducted at Stanford University but instead are submitted and managed through
哈佛大学更着重强调:哈佛所有的全职人员,未经院长推荐和校董事会批准,不得在任何教育机构中从事研究,教学和获得报酬的咨询工作。 |
A fad is a general term for a time when, for reasons of fashion or over optimism, financial investors are willing to pay more than the fundamental value of the stock.
狂热是一个时期的普通情况,由于流行或者过度乐观,金融投资者愿意支付高于股票基础价格的价格。 |
A faded kind of day love.
一种已经凋谢的白天的爱。 |
A fail-safe backup system ensures reliable operation, even if a fault develops in the main circuit.
一个自动防故障装置的后备系统确保了可靠的运转,即时在主要电路产生了故障。 |
A failure in a device attributable to burning, excessive heat, or friction.
烧毁,烧坏由于燃烧、超高热或摩擦引起的设备故障 |