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The sex attractant for yellow tortrix, Acleris fimbriana Meyrick,(E) , tetradecadienal(E, -:Ald),was synthesized via Wittig reaction from two readily available starting materials.
黄斑卷蛾 (AclerisfimbrianaMeyrick)性诱剂的主要成分为 (反 ) , 十四碳双烯醛 (简式E, :Ald)。

The serum levels of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA),carbohydrate antigens9 9(CA9 9) and (CA) were measured in cases of benign diseases of the stomach and large bowels and 8 cases of gastric cancer and colorectal cancers. 对 例胃、大肠良性疾病患者(良性疾病组)及8例胃癌、大肠癌患者(恶性疾病组)血清癌胚抗原(CEA)、糖链抗原99(CA99)、糖链抗原(CA)进行了测定。
The serum levels of testoid(T),estradiol(E),follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH),luteinizing hormone(LH),prolactin(PRL)and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone(LHRH)were detected. Statistical analysis was performed by double t-test. 用放射免疫法测定睾酮 (T)、雌二醇 (E )、卵泡刺激素 (FSH)、黄体生成素 (LH)、泌乳素 (PRL)及促性腺激素释放激素 (LHRH)的浓度。
The serum total HBV cccDNA levels in HBeAg-positive patients were greater than that in HBeAg-negative patients (. ±.7logs vs. . 9±.logs , P =0. 0). HBeAg阳性组患者外周血HBV cccDNA水平(.±.7lg)高于HBeAg阴性组患者 ( .9±.lg)(P=0.0)。
The serumal of E,FSH,LH were measured with ELISA. 采用酶联免疫方法,测定血清中E,FSH,LH的含量。
The severity of illness was assessed daily with the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation-Ⅱ (APACHE-Ⅱ ) scoring system and the Elebute & Stoner's Sepsis scoring system. 检测两组患者第、、7天的血清前降钙素、C 反应蛋白(CRP)、肿瘤坏死因子α和白介素的浓度及每天应用APACHE-Ⅱ和Elebute&Stoner的 Sepsis Score评分系统对两组患者进行评分。
The sex attractant for yellow tortrix, Acleris fimbriana Meyrick,(E) , tetradecadienal(E, -:Ald),was synthesized via Wittig reaction from two readily available starting materials. 黄斑卷蛾 (AclerisfimbrianaMeyrick)性诱剂的主要成分为 (反 ) , 十四碳双烯醛 (简式E, :Ald)。
The sex chromosome. 性染色体Z为中着丝粒染色体,W为近端着丝粒染色体。
The sex cycle,bacterium vaginae,fungus of animals were examined from vaginal smear,and plasma estrogen (E_) was determined as well. 观察阴道涂片的性周期、阴道杆菌、真菌改变及血浆 E_水平。
The shade density of 7% was suitable for Araceae and 0% for Agavaceae. 天南星科和龙舌兰科植物长势较好的遮光度分别为7%和0%左右;
The sharps of lesion were round-like (n= ), irregular (n=9), triangular and polygonal (n=). 病灶呈类圆形例,不规则形9例,三角和多角形例。
The shearing rigidity of slabs is great effected by the cavum, especially to perpendicular slabs, slanting cracks always arises on endlong ribs. 开孔对板的抗剪性能影响很大,对于横孔板,剪力较大时会在纵肋上出现斜裂缝,而且横孔板的抗剪性能明显没有顺孔板好。

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