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Child labor is notoriously difficult to measure or even to define.

Child as he is, he knows quite a lot of the history of China. 尽管他是个孩子,但对中国的历史了解很多。
Child as he was, he had to make a living. 他虽是个孩子,但得糊口。
Child as she is, she speaks English well. 虽然她是个孩子,但英语却讲得很好。
Child fares apply only to children aged 2 years to 11 years inclusive. 小童团费只适用于孩子在2岁到11岁之间。
Child favour(?) is just one symptom of ?poverty the world,which depress children of basic right to education and freedom. 孩子?仅仅是世界贫困地区的一种症状,它限制孩子受教育和自由的基本权利。
Child labor is notoriously difficult to measure or even to define. 童工数量向来难以估算,甚至何为童工也难以界定。
Child labour is just one symptom of the crushing poverty in the world, which deprives children of their basic right to education and freedom. 童工正是这个世界触目惊心的贫穷的一大症状,他剥夺了儿童接受教育和享受自由的基本权利。
Child molestation is a touchy subject…Read the papers! Half the country's doing it! 凌虐小孩是一个敏感的话题。看看报纸!全国有一半的人都在这样做。
Child of God, feed on the words the Holy Spirit has given here. 神的儿女啊,要用圣灵在这里所给我们的话来喂养自己。
Child of God, will you not yield yourself, like Christ, to live with this one prayer: “Father, Thy will be done on earth as in heaven”? ——全地都被神的荣耀所充满,神的儿女啊,你不愿献上自己,像基督一样,一直祷告说:“父啊,愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上”吗?
Child out of home, do you understand? The love is in store for you! 离开家的孩子,是否明白,那份爱,存留为你!

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