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Or worse, they may think that you are ignorant of important profe ional news.

Or will the challenges along with Voldemort's rebirth be too much for the young hero? 或者伏地魔重生这个挑战对于一个年轻小英雄来讲太过沉重了呢?
Or will the crowd turn against the team because at Chelsea now expectations are blindly high? 是不是有些对切尔西的期望过高的球迷,会因为球队表现不佳而攻击球队?
Or wine and woman/”Jiu She”. With a cup of wine , people get loneliness dissolved . 又或者以酒色解愁。一杯在手,让孤独溶解于美酒中。
Or with Bush filling the slot, is that an oxymoron? 或者,当布什窜升首位的时候,大家只不过希望这是一种“矛盾修辞法”?
Or working on some stage in L.A.? 还是在洛杉矶某个舞台上工作?
Or worse, they may think that you are ignorant of important profe ional news. 或更糟的是,他们可能会认为你对重要的专业新信息一无所知。
Or worse, they may think that you are ignorant of important professional news. 或更糟的是,他们可能会认为你对重要的专业新信息一无所知。
Or would it be a step back to the KMT's former easy appropriation of state resources and assets, when Ma Ying-jeou becomes president? (译注:因为不诉诸法律面,则下届执政者可轻松规避法律程序?)
Or would it be to know, meet, encounter, experience, and embrace a living, indwelling Lord ... daily ... and corporately? 抑或会是:天天的、集体的认识;相聚;遇见;经历;和天天的、集体的拥抱一位又真又活的、内住的主?
Or would it have been remained at apex of pain without exit? 还是滞留在痛苦的顶点,没有出路?
Or would you take the pen in hand, plunge center in and justdoit, struggling to keep up with the twists and turns of thetorrentsof words that take you where they take you? 或者你只是手里拿着笔,一头扎进去写,不停地写,艰难地随着文字汹涌的浪涛而随波逐流?

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