Lin Yang and manages the idea for enterprises with sincere, practical, hospitable , takes realizing making the customer satisfied and letting the customer rest assured as the principle, make every effort to achieve the bright enterprise prospect, welcome
琳扬以“诚信、务实、热情”为企业经营理念,以实现让客户满意让客户放心为原则,力创美好的企业前景,竭诚欢迎各界用户咨询与惠顾,也期盼您的赐教,让我们得以不断完善与提升,为您提供高质量的产品和服务将是我们永久的承诺。 |
Lin Yang the group and adheres to the consistent idea, with the making for many years and experience of management, to rotating different characteristics that the equipment or the channel shake, offer a whole set of intact products and service to meet the
琳扬团队秉持一贯的理念,以多年的制作与管理经验,针对转动设备或管道震动的不同特性,提供一整套完整的产品与服务来满足安装需求,一系列产品广泛应用于工厂、办公写字楼、医院、宾馆酒店、卖场、高级住宅等场所,并配套供应通风空调设备厂减振器部件,产品深受业界青睐与肯定。 |
Lin Yong Chang:Optics of Thin Film, Coating Techniques, Display Techniques.
林永昌:薄膜光学,薄膜技术,显示技术。 |
Lin Yu-chih, an Osteogenesis Imperfecta patient who measures 67.5 centimeters in height, performs a stage play during a news conference July 10, 2007, to urge public awareness of the disease.
玻璃娃娃林煜智七月十日在台大医院,以舞台剧的方式呈现自传「67.5公分的天空」,希望藉此鼓励遇到挫折苦痛的人,同时也让社会更加认识关怀玻璃娃娃。 |
Lin Yutang, could solve his writing or translating problems because their entries were mostly neither graceful nor standard English, either British or American.
为克服此一缺陷,并促进使用精准优美的英美语文,他用二十年时光阅读英美汉学家的译著以及国际通讯社的电文,演变编成比较满意的《宝库》。 |
Lin Zexu is a famous patriotic hero in modem history of China, who is well-known for Opium-banning Movement.
摘要林则徐是中国近代史上著名的爱国主义英雄,以禁烟运动而闻名于世。 |
Lin was born in Fujian province and as a child was sent to Shanghai to be educated by foreign missionaries.
林语堂出生在福建省,幼年时被送往上海,接受外国传教士的教育。 |
Lin, B.H. (2000), “Term Structure Fitting and Information Content: An Empirical Study on the Taiwanese Government Bond Market”, First Portuguese Finance Network Conference, Braga, Portugal.
叶仕国、林丙辉(2000),「台湾利率期限结构共整合与共同趋势探讨」,亚太金融中心-企业融资、授信与金融创新研讨会论文集。 |
Lin, B.H. and S.K. Yeh (2000), “Term Structure Fitting and Information Content: An Empirical Study on the Taiwanese Government Bond Market”, 13-th Annual Australasian Finance &Banking Conference, Sydney.
林丙辉、王明传(2002),「台湾证券市场条件偏态之投资组合管理」,2002台湾财务金融学会年会财务金融学术研讨会,台湾台中。 |
Lin, Bing-Huei &Shih-Kuo Yeh,2000,On the Distribution and Conditional Heteroscedasticity in Taiwan Stock Prices,Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Vol. 10, pp. 367-395.
叶仕国、林丙辉,民国八十八年,台湾股票价格非连续跳跃变动之研究,证券市场发展季刊第十一卷第一期,页61-92。 |
Lin, C. (2004). Incorporating a bilingual Chinese-English corpus in an EFL writing class. Tamkang University, December, 2004.
林至诚,(九三),一般大学生对语言学习教室的需求为何?中华民国英语文教师学会年会,台北剑潭,九三年十一月十四日。 |