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The most widely used ones are caustic soda, silicates (especially sodium metasilicate, which is a very powerful emulsifier), trisodium phosphate (the well-known TSP), sodium polyphosphates and sodium bicarbonate.

The most visible application of the photoelectric effect is in solar, or photovoltaic, cells. 光电效应最明显的应用是在太阳能电池(或光电电池)里。
The most vulnerable sectors - automotive, pulp and paper, and consumer products - are disproportionately based in Central Canada. 加拿大最脆弱的行业,例如汽车业,纸浆造纸业,以及消费品制造业,几乎都集中在加拿大中部。
The most welcomed people of the world are never those who continually look back upon the trials, the sorrows, the failures, the bitter frustrations of yesterday, but those who cast their eyes forward with faith, hope…courage, happy curiosity. 世界上最受欢迎的人从来不是那种不停地往后看着昨天的脚印、悲伤、失败和惨痛挫折的人,而是那种怀着信心、希望、勇气和愉快的求知欲而放眼未来的人。
The most widely used halogenated compounds are chlorine (in the form of sodium hypochlorite) and iodine. 使用最多的卤代化合物是氯(以次氯酸钠的形式)及碘。
The most widely used methods are designed to take advantage of the sterilizing action of heat in the form of moist heat, steam or hot water. 使用最广的方法就是利用以湿热、蒸汽及热水的方式利用热力的灭菌作用。
The most widely used ones are caustic soda, silicates (especially sodium metasilicate, which is a very powerful emulsifier), trisodium phosphate (the well-known TSP), sodium polyphosphates and sodium bicarbonate. 使用最广的有氢氧化钠、硅酸盐(特别是偏硅酸钠,是一种强有力的乳化剂)、磷酸三钠(著名的TSP)、多磷酸钠及碳酸氢钠。
The most widely used stencil materials are metals, primarily stainless steel and nickel. 钢网最常用的材料是金属,主要是不锈钢和镍。
The most widely used techniques for the preparation of amorphous alloy catalyst are classified into rapid quenching method, chemical reduction method and impregnation-chemical reduction method. 通过骤冷法、化学还原法、浸渍还原法可以得到满足不同催化反应需要的非晶态合金催化剂,并可以通过制备条件的变化调变催化剂的性能。
The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth's steam hammer. 其中最奇妙的是内史密斯的蒸汽锤。
The most workable register is the upper chalameaux. 最容易开始练习的是上节管区域的音。
The most worrisome trend to law enforcement and private industry alike has been the increase in willingness by these movements to resort to the use of incendiary and explosive devices. 对执法部门和企业界来说,最令人不安的趋势已经是这些组织的使用纵火和爆炸器材故意犯罪。

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