This victory was a milestone in our country's history.
这一胜利是我国历史的里程碑。 |
This video is dedicated to martial artists and non-martial artist alike.
本片奉献给所有的武术爱好者,也适合非武术爱好者。 |
This video program is good for teenagers.
这个电视节目对青少年很好。 |
This video was sent to us by Melina's neighbor, to prove wrong all those who said girls just 18 years old don't get kinky when having some quality time with their pussies.
麦俐娜的邻居将这盘录象送给我们,是想对那些说女孩18岁是都是很本份的人说,你们错了,当她们有美好的休闲时光时,她们也在玩她们的逼呢。 |
This view comes from his misreading, in fact, which is so-called ceative treason.
但鲁迅对尼采的强力意志论、超人说和近代文明观都产生了误读。 |
This view corresponds less and less with reality.
这种看法与现实越来越不相符。 |
This view doesnot make it easy to evaluate, but it prevents being too theoretic and coldin the matter.
这种观点并没有使评估变得容易起来,但是它能够防止人们在这个问题上变得太过于空谈和冷酷。 |
This view has some reference value to the adjusting method of the irrigation and drainage pumping station.
此观点对灌排泵站选择调节方式具有一定借鉴意义。 |
This view is a very important issue at present, as the 15th National Congress of the PRC has insisted on “the fundamental policy of birth control and environmental protection”and “taking care of the relations among economic development and population, res
这个严重的认偏向,在中共当局于「十五大」的文件中呼吁:要「坚持计划生育和保护环境的基本国策,正确处理经济发展同人口、资源、环境的关系」的今天,是一个非常重要的问题。 |
This view is exemplified by work in process programming for deriving architectures.
该视图的例子是驱动架构的过程编程。 |
This view is from a shelter walkway pictured above. It looks across the lake and park to our building in background.
这是从上面拍摄到的长廊图片,在后面的穿过这个湖和公园的就是我们的办公大楼。 |