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A number of eco-construction projects are initiated, such as reforestation, natural forest protection, Beijing-Tianjin sand control, and natural grassland restoration and etc.

A number of conditions causing inadequate entilation(airway obstruction, pneumonia atelectasis, pleural effusion, and hypoentilation due to the pain of abdominal incisions or to abdominal distention limiting diaphragmatic excursion) may exist singly or in 许多导致通气不足的病变(呼吸道梗阻,肺炎性肺不张,胸腔积液,腹部切口疼痛或者腹胀限制了膈肌的运动等引起的低通气)可以单独存在,也可以合并与其它病变而导致呼吸性酸中毒。
A number of countries prefer the priority-of-use principle. 一些国家更青睐优先使用原则。
A number of cross-country analyses, such as one last year by economist Nikola Spatafora of the International Monetary Fund and his colleagues, have concluded that nations that rake in more remittances have a lower poverty rate—but only barely. 一些跨国分析发现(例如去年由国际货币基金会的经济学家史巴特佛拉佛拉与同事进行的一项分析),取得较多汇款的国家,虽然没有那麽穷,但也仅是低一点点而已。
A number of curious customs prevail in China. 在中国有许多奇特的风俗流行。
A number of downloadable readings, exams and quizzes are available for the course. 本课程提供可下载的阅读资料、考试卷和小考卷。
A number of eco-construction projects are initiated, such as reforestation, natural forest protection, Beijing-Tianjin sand control, and natural grassland restoration and etc. 组织实施了退耕还林、天然林资源保护、京津风沙源治理、天然草原恢复与建设试点等生态建设工程。
A number of economists, in search of big problems to solve, and politicians, looking for bold promises to make, think that it ought to be doing something else: making people happy. 许多寻找大难题加以解决的经济学家和寻求作出大胆许诺的政治家们认为它应该解决其它的问题:使人们更幸福。
A number of embryonic proteins are secreted by prostate tumours and can be detected in blood serum, thereby proiding a potential method for detecting prostate cancer and ultimately een assessing the extent of the disease without an inasie procedure. 前列腺肿瘤分泌大量的胚胎蛋白并能在血清中检测到,因此为检测到前列腺癌提供了一种可能方式,最终可通过无创方式来评估疾病程度.
A number of examples can be given of the way in which natural environments are being rapidly changed - Amazonia, for instance. 可以举出很多很多的例子说明自然生态环境已经被迅速地改变了,亚马逊河流域就是最好的例证。
A number of fabulous gifts are on offer, including 30th anniversary commemorative leather phone cord, pen, memo pad and many more. 「即抽即中奖」设有丰富奖品,其中包括:30周年纪念真皮电话绳、原子笔、记事簿等多款精美礼品。
A number of foreign –invested ventures in the area, including the German chemical company BASF , have obtained financial support from this bank. 该地区许多外资企业,包括德国的巴斯夫化学公司,从该银行得到了财政援助。

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