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I happened to be in the typing pool, so I had a ringside seat when the new girl told the supervisor what she could do with the typing job.

I happen to know your question. 我碰巧知道你那道问题的答案。
I happen to think that Lucy is strong and has incredible self-confidence, although she is a little 8)overbearing at times. 我有时还想,强大的露西自信得令人难以置信,虽然她有时也让人难以忍受。
I happened on just the thing I'd been looking for. 我偶然发现了我一直在寻找的东西。
I happened on the storybook I like in that bookstore. 我在那家书店偶然发现了我喜欢的故事书。
I happened on this old picture in the back of the drawer. 我偶然的在抽屉的背面发现了这张旧照片。
I happened to be in the typing pool, so I had a ringside seat when the new girl told the supervisor what she could do with the typing job. 那时我碰巧在打字室,所以我听到了那位新来的姑娘对主管说她能胜任什么样的打字工作。
I happened to be visiting Manchester at the time of the Exhibiton. 展览会期间我刚好在曼彻斯特游览(参观)。
I happened to find several wild pineapples on my back way, so regardless stings of some weeds, I tried hard to take off the wild pineapples, no knife, I had to wrest, and then drew them. 回来的路上也很巧,我看见几个野菠萝,于是不顾野草和刺的划挂去摘野菠萝,因为没有带刀,所以只能左右拧,在用力的扯拉。
I happened to find this rap song about Harbin by some Harbin Wangyou, very funny. 无意中在网上找到了这首关于哈尔滨的歌,是网友唱的。歌词诙谐幽默,听着很亲切。
I happened to know about him. 我正好了解一些他的情况。
I happened to meet Tom in the street the day before yesterday. 我前天碰巧在街上遇见了汤姆。

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