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Advertisements in the campaign formed lots of patriotic slogans in the form of pictures and expressions and combined patriotism with the manufacturing and consumption of Chinese goods, which led to the secularization of patriotism.

Advertisements are designed to entice people to spend money. 广告就是设计出来诱人花钱的。
Advertisements are misleading and cheating. They are filled with flowery phrases and empty promises. 广告起误导作用,并具有欺骗性。广告中充满着华丽的词语和空洞的诺言。
Advertisements can make the goods more expensive. 广告提高了商品的价格.
Advertisements can mislead consumers,especially children. 广告误导消费者,特别是儿童.
Advertisements for houses for sale often lead buyers on with misleading description. 兜售房屋的广告常常以骗人的说明使买方上当受骗。
Advertisements in the campaign formed lots of patriotic slogans in the form of pictures and expressions and combined patriotism with the manufacturing and consumption of Chinese goods, which led to the secularization of patriotism. 在此期间,国货广告通过大量的图片和文字,形成了一系列爱国主义的话语,将制造和消费国货的日常行为同爱国主义紧密地联系在一起,将爱国主义从抽象的精神层面疏导到民众具体的行动层面,由此引起了爱国主义的世俗化。
Advertisements make us spend more money. 广告使我们花更多的钱.
Advertisements often contain catch phrases. 广告中常出现妙句。
Advertisements waste the TV viewers' time. 广告浪费电视观众的时间.
Advertisementshave been posted up everywhere announcing the new show. 到处贴满了广告宣传这一新节目.
Advertisers Concern : 74.7%of readers plan to purchase home car in 2006 ; 36.3%of readers plan to purchase digital cameras ;34.1%of readers tend to purchase real estate. 广告商关注:74.7%的读者计划在2006年购买家用车;36.3%的读者计划购买数码相机;34.1%的读者计划购买房产等。

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