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I'm thinking wether they can do it or not.

I'm thinking of investing in a new car. 我打算花一笔钱买辆新汽车。
I'm thinking of joining a travel club. (我想参加旅游社团。)
I'm thinking of offering you a sole agency in Australia on the following terms and conditions. 我考虑在下列条件下指定你们作为我们住澳大利亚的独家代理。
I'm thinking of ordering some of your goods. 我正考虑向你们订货。
I'm thinking of taking part in English corner. (我想参加英语角。)
I'm thinking wether they can do it or not. 我在想他们是不是能办得到.
I'm thinking, sometimes I don't even know what the hell is going on, or how to make sense of the madness. 我在想,有的时候我甚至不知道到底发生了什么事,也不知道为什么会发生这样的事。
I'm thinner than you, and shorter. 5我比你瘦,又矮。
I'm thirsty; can you get me a bottle of Coke? 我渴了,你能给我一瓶可乐吗?
I'm thirteen years old. I'm older than you. 我十三岁了,我比你大。
I'm thoroughly dissatisfied with your work. 我完全不满意你的工作。

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