Diligence—Foolish as a person is, he can succeed in his work if he works hard. That does not admit of any doubt.
勤勉――一个人虽然不大聪明,但是他地能做成他的工作,如果他苦干的话。那是不容置疑的。 |
Diligent and can work overtime.
工作勤奋,能经常加班。 |
Diligent work with team spirit.
工作勤奋,有团队合作精神。 |
Diligent,proactive,passional,work well under heavy pressure.
勤学,积极主动,热情,能在压力下很好的完成工作。 |
Diligent; with sureness; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own work.
勤奋,踏实,有责任心,对自己的工作尽职尽责。 |
Diligently creating the life's miracle, for the sake of your affectionate close relatives!
我们用心创造生命的奇迹,为了您挚爱的亲人! |
Dill lost his job because he was caught with his hand in the till.
比尔失去了工作,困为他在偷钱时被人当场抓住。 |
Dilthey put forward his conception of Geisteswissenschaften and hermeneutic methodology.
他论证精神科学的自主性,目的在于开拓一条突破形而上学的途径。 |
Dilute acid leaching with stirring scrubbing is the most optimum method, which can get three productions, dilute acid leaching solution, residue mixture and final product aluminum foil and copper foil.
而稀酸浸出——搅拌擦洗法能很好的达到分离目的,获得三种产物:稀酸浸出液、混合黑渣和最终产品铝箔、铜箔。 |
Diluting the aroma of coffee is analogous; beyond a certain point, only the strongest compounds are perceived.
将咖啡的香味加以稀释,就类似这种情况:一旦稀释过了某个程度,就只有最强烈的成分可以让人察觉得到。 |
Dilution and dispersion in constant horizontal flow and bottom multi-port discharging was studied in accordance with the hydraulic model test.The influence of diffusion parameters (jet angle,jet velocity,number of nozzle,riser space) and environmental par
借助于人工模型试验,分析了恒定横流底部多孔排放时扩散器设计参数(射流角度、射流速度、喷口个数)、上升管间距)及环境参数(环境水深、环境流速)对污水近区稀释扩散效果的影响,实验结果表明,除了环境条件对污水稀释扩散效果影响明显之外,扩散器设计参数对污水的近区稀释扩散也有显著的影响,针对白龙港排放口水域,喷口射流角度宜控制在10°左右,喷口个数取16个. |