In 2000, the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) were US$ 84.8 billion(US$ 8,480 per capita), with an annual increase of 20.9% (2% in 1998 and 23.8% in 1999), accounting for 22% of the national total. |
中文意思: 2000年,京畿道国民生产总值为848亿美元(人均8480美元),占全国的22.8%,年增长率为20.9%(1998年为2%,1999年为23.8%),人均国民生产总值为9040美元(韩国人均为8176美元)。 |
In 2000, Lee, then the chairman of the ruling Nationalist Party, helped foment a rift within his party that saw both his vice president, Lien Chan, and James Soong, another Nationalist [color=Red][b]stalwart[/b][/color], run for president.
2000年,当时的执政国民党党主席李登辉,在党内部挑拨离间,看到副总统连战和另外一个坚定的国民党党员宋楚瑜同时竞选总统。 |
In 2000, Lee, then the chairman of the ruling Nationalist Party, helped foment a rift within his party that saw both his vice president, Lien Chan, and James Soong, another Nationalist stalwart , run for president.
2000年,当时的执政国民党党主席李登辉,在党内部挑拨离间,看到副总统连战和另外一个坚定的国民党党员宋楚瑜同时竞选总统。 |
In 2000, an advisory committee considered requests by fish farmers to call their products organic.
2000年,一个建议委员会正考虑渔农希望将他们的产品名称叫做有机的要求。 |
In 2000, he represented Switzerland at the 9th Steinway Festival in Hamburg.
2000年,他代表瑞士参加在汉堡举行的第九届斯坦威国际艺术节。 |
In 2000, of course, the Yankees went on to take Games 4 and 5 to capture their latest of 26 World Series championships.
在2000年时,当然,洋基是持续赢得第四和第五战的胜利而获得第廿六次世界大赛冠军的头衔。 |
In 2000, the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) were US$ 84.8 billion(US$ 8,480 per capita), with an annual increase of 20.9% (2% in 1998 and 23.8% in 1999), accounting for 22% of the national total.
2000年,京畿道国民生产总值为848亿美元(人均8480美元),占全国的22.8%,年增长率为20.9%(1998年为2%,1999年为23.8%),人均国民生产总值为9040美元(韩国人均为8176美元)。 |
In 2000, the Housing Authority endorsed a more flexible production strategy, including the wider use of non-standard blocks and site-specific designs to meet housing demand, and the provision of more diversified designs of public housing to enrich the cit
房屋委员会在2000年通过一套更富弹性的房屋供应策略,包括透过扩大采用非标准化大厦及按地盘独特性而釐定的设计,以满足房屋需求,并使公营房屋设计更多元化,有助美化市容。 |
In 2000, the University implemented a program to allow one of its awards from each of its four Faculties to be taken online.
在2000年,澳大利亚新英格兰大学实施了一个项目,从4个学院中的每个学院拨出一部分资金用于在线教育。 |
In 2000, the figure was 33 million.
在2000年时,这个数字是3300万人。 |
In 2000, the glee club participated in the “2000 O1ympic Choral Contest”held in Austria and won three golden medals.
2000年7月,该团赴奥地利参加“2000年奥林匹克国际合唱大赛”,并获三项金奖,同时赴荷兰参加“2000年布鲁萨姆国际民间艺术节”活动,演出大获成功。 |
In 2000, the hominine robot was chose through public appraisal one of the 10 great scientific and technological achievements in China that year.
2000年,类人型机器人又被评为本年国家十大科技成果之一。 |