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The important significance of industrial furnace using infrared radiant material was analyzed through radiant heat transfer enhanced in industrial furnace with high temperature.

The important part is keeping an open mind and searching for fresh ideas and perspectives. 重要的是保持开放的心灵和寻找新的想法和视角。
The important prognostic factors of primary appendiceal cancer included histologic subtypes and the extent of dissemination. 我们研究资料显示原发性兰尾癌重要预后指标包括组织病理分型及肿瘤散布範围。
The important role of health professionals and the dental team in smoking cessation and tobacco control will be detailed with examples from countries around the world. 届时将有来自亚洲地区的多名演讲者通过世界各国案例详细讲解保健医生和牙科医生在戒烟和烟草控制中应当扮演的重要角色。
The important role of post-secondary vocational and technical institutions in life long learning and continuous human resource development and workforce education, and as a portal to higher education for large parts of polities will be discussed. 本文将探讨高等职业教育机构在终生学习、人力资源的不断开发、劳动力教育等方面的重要作用。
The important roles of Biominerals in reconstruction of palaeoenvironment. In Shengrong Li and Junfeng Shen. Mineralogy and Geochemistry: Resources, Environment and Life. Beijing: Geological Publishing House. 生物矿物与古环境重建研究及其存在的几个问题.自然科学与博物馆研究,北京,高等教育出版社:146-151.
The important significance of industrial furnace using infrared radiant material was analyzed through radiant heat transfer enhanced in industrial furnace with high temperature. 摘要从高温工业炉强化炉内辐射传热过程的角度出发,分析了工业炉应用红外辐射材料的重要意义。
The important symbol of Hebei Bangzi is its aria rooting from the Bangzi Tune-pattern in Shanxi and Shaanxi, which is a branch of Bangzi Genre. 唱腔是河北梆子的重要标志,它源于山西、陕西的梆子腔,属梆子腔系的一个支脉。
The important task set by the Central Party is to construct a new socialist countryside by strengthening and improving the construction of village Party branches and promoting their cohesion, creativity and working capabilities. 建设社会主义新农村,就必须切实加强和改进农村基层党组织建设,不断增强基层组织的凝聚力、创造力、战斗力。
The important theories and signification in using amphiphilic polymers are known to all with its good performances in more and more field. 随著两亲性高聚物在越来越多的领域显示出其功能,它的重要理论和应用意义正为人们所认识。
The important thing in Olympic is to engage in not to win. 在奥林匹克运动会中最重要的事情是参与,而不是取胜。
The important thing is not to panic! 最要紧的是不要慌!

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