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We will further relax restriction on foreign trade business in a planed and orderly way.

We will fully implement policy measures for opening wider to the outside world and follow a new path of rejuvenation as we accelerate the reform and opening up process. 认真落实扩大对外开放的政策措施,在加快改革开放中走出振兴的新路子。
We will further develop extensive cooperation and exchange with the developed countries of the west in a wide range of areas. 我们要进一步在广泛领域里同西方发达国家进行合作与交流。
We will further improve administrative oversight. 进一步加强行政监督。
We will further open the service sector to foreign competition. 扩大服务领域对外开放。
We will further persist in scientific quality management, superior, high quality and passional service and high quality products to cooperate sincerely with domestic and abroad friends at all cycles and create brilliant future together. 我们将进一步坚持科学的质量管理、卓越、优质、热情的服务,以更高质量的产品同国内外各界朋友真诚合作,共创辉煌的未来。
We will further relax restriction on foreign trade business in a planed and orderly way. 我们将有计划、有步骤地进一步放宽对外贸经营的限制。
We will get along beautifully together. 我们在一起会相处得很好的。
We will get around to discussing it sometime. 以后有时间,我们回过头来讨论这篇论文。
We will get back at 6 p. m. by bus. Don't be late. 我们会在下午6点乘车返回。不要迟到。
We will get improve next time. 我想下次我们一定会改善的。
We will get nowhere if we rely on luck. 如果我们只依靠运气,那将一事无成。

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