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The Blackpool manager Simon Grayson will fine any player who mentions Chelsea as his team prepare to meet Norwich City for the right to face the League champions in the FA Cup fifth round.

The Black Triangle is an area stretching over parts of the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany, which suffers from extensive environmental degradation as a result of power producers and industrial plants burning fossil fuels, as well as natural conditions 本节目探讨有关烟道气闸、重新造林、能源节约与及替代能源等政策,如何能把欧洲污染最严重的地区转变为无污染的地方。
The Black Velveteen is made with Guinness Irish Stout and Hard Apple Cider. 这款鸡尾酒的配方是爱尔兰基尼斯黑啤酒和苹果酒。
The Black family is on holiday on an island off the coast. 布莱克一家正在海边的一个小岛上度假。
The BlackBerry Personal Information Manager (PIM) is a portable device that connects users to corporate e-mail and other systems across a wireless connection, providing instant, 24x7 access to business critical information. 黑莓经理的个人信息细胞(PIM)是一种便携式装置连接到企业用户的电子邮件和其他无线接入系统相望,提供即时、24ⅹ获取商业关键信息.
The Blacklist, a 2003 book by a Spanish investigative journalist, José María Irujo, describes how the Franco regime and the Spanish Catholic church pampered and protectedNazi spies and industrialists during and after the second world war. 2003年,一名西班牙新闻记者就撰书揭露了佛朗哥政权和西班牙天主教堂在二战期间和战后对纳粹党间谍和实业家的“款待并保护”的行为。
The Blackpool manager Simon Grayson will fine any player who mentions Chelsea as his team prepare to meet Norwich City for the right to face the League champions in the FA Cup fifth round. 布莱克普尔队主帅西蒙.格雷森宣布在与诺维奇队比赛前谁到不准提起切尔西,否则将面临罚款.这场比赛将决定谁能在足总杯第五轮中面对英超的卫冕冠军.
The Bladesinger's Group Songs That Increase Avoidance Skills Have Their Values Increase. 增加诗人歌曲所提供的闪避率数值。
The Blair government has not managed to create a noticeably fairer society, as the beginnings of a backlash against the bonus and executive pay bonanza in the City attest. 人们开始激烈反对金融城奖金和高管薪酬,证明布莱尔政府没能大幅改善社会公平。
The Blairs later went on to have four children, including son Leo in 2000 who was the first child to be born to a serving prime minister in more than 150 years. 布莱尔夫妇生了四个孩子,而在2000年出生的儿子里奥是英国150多年来首相在任期间生的第一个孩子。
The Blazing Sands. Those shores are in the hands of demons, so take enough troops to defeat them. Hurry! Irollan hangs in the balance. 热沙。这些海岸由恶魔把守着,必须派足够的兵力才能打败他们。快!艾罗兰岌岌可危。
The Blockbuster will charge you some late fees if you don&#39t return the rented VCD or DVD in time. 如果你没能在预定的时间内交还从百事达租来的VCD或DVD,你必须得付些预期费。

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