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Sometimes, when certain problems stand between a child and normal play, the help of an occupational therapist is needed.

Sometimes, though, the levels of reality do get jumbled, with odd effects. 然而,有时在真实世界中,事情并不是这麽泾渭分明,而且还有著一些奇特效应。
Sometimes, unfortunately, they found themselves driven to take notice, because youthful emperors found novels pleasant to read. 不幸的是,有时他们要被迫予以注意,因为一些年轻的皇帝觉得小说读来令人愉快。
Sometimes, we lack theconfidence to come up with new translations of words and phrases. 我们有时候缺乏信心,不敢为一些新的词汇作出翻译。
Sometimes, we might even need to spend some time leading in to a question or request. 有时候,我们甚至需要花时间来引入一个问题或请求。
Sometimes, when I∝m tempted to cut corners or to put off responsibilities, I think of my grandfather with his scythe cutting wide arcs of corn in the light of the harvest moon. 有时候,当我想抄近路或者躲避责任时,我就想起爷爷在收割月的光亮下拿着大镰刀收割大片玉米地的情景。
Sometimes, when certain problems stand between a child and normal play, the help of an occupational therapist is needed. 有时,当孩子不能正常玩耍时,职业治疗师的帮助就很有必要了。
Sometimes, when the young man was lying in bed, he saw the snake slip in and out of his empty boots or up the sleeve of a coat he had worn. 有的时候,年轻人正躺在床上,就看见蛇爬进他的靴子里面然后又爬出来,或者爬到他的大衣袖子上。
Sometimes, whole patients are invented! 有时,病人也是捏造出来的。
Sometimes, you have to be creative. 有些时候,你需要一些创造力。
Sometimes, you have to let your heart lead the way, even if you know your heart takes the place that you go to and shouldn't go. 有的时候,你必须让你的心带路,即使你知道你的心带你去了不该去的地方。
Sometimes,by the time one is able to tell whether a given venture is fruitful or not is would probably be possible to tell on the basis of other criteria whether the working theory was indeed scientific. 有时,当某人可以分辨一个尝试是否有成效时,才有可能按照其它标准分辨现有理论是否科学。

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