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Adopting the straight-line bearing and asynchronism electrical machineries of conical surface braking, operation is steady.

Adopting the index picture based on content can greatly enhance the quality and efficiency of index and view picture information. 采用基于内容的索引图片能大大提高检索和浏览图片信息的质量和效率。
Adopting the method of time domain and frequency range, the breakdown characteristic signal is analyzed, and the information of the abnormal state of valve clearance is obtained. 并采用时域,频域的分析方法对故障特征信号进行分析,从而得到气门间隙异常状态的信息。
Adopting the monitoring data of Fenhe Reservoir from 1993 to 1997,this paper briefly introduces the eutrophication tendency of Fenhe Reservoir and analyses the reasons of the eutrophication,and puts forward a series of preventive countermeasures. 采用了1993年~1997年的汾河水库监测数据,简要地介绍了汾河水库向富营养化发展的趋势,分析了引起水库富营养化的原因,并提出一系列防治对策。
Adopting the motto “Advance, not recede”, he recognised the need to lower the barriers to trade and he encouraged others to do likewise. 以“要前进不要后退”为座右铭的他本人以及在他的鼓励下其他人对降低贸易门槛的必要性都有着充分的认识。
Adopting the precision cold forging to carrying out the tooth profile modification of spur bevel gear evidently lowered the cost, thus provided a kind of new researching method for the modification, vibration reduction, noise dropping and design of the ge 直齿锥齿轮采用冷精锻进行齿廓修形,显著地降低了成本,这为齿轮传动系统的修形、减振、降噪和设计提供了一种新的研究方法。
Adopting the straight-line bearing and asynchronism electrical machineries of conical surface braking, operation is steady. 采用直线轴承及锥面制动三相异步电机,运作平稳。
Adopting the technologies of the powerful steering, dual-pipes hydraulic for four-wheel brake and synchronizer in shifting speed. All of these make the truck steer lightly, brake reliably, and operate expediently. 采用动力转向,双管路液压四轮制动及同步器换档变速等技术,使车辆转向轻便,制动可靠,操作方便。
Adopting the training pattern of “Theory-Practice-Retheory-Repractice-Summary”, the main task of the first four semesters is to learn theory at school supplemented with relevant practice; attaching importance to learning theory in the first half of the fi 采用“理论——实践——再理论——再实践——专业岗位总结”培养模式,第一、二、三、四学期以校内理论学习为主,辅之以课程实验实训;第五学期的前半学期以专业理论学习为主,后半学期在校内集中进行专业操作技能训练,并完成一门专业实践课程的学习;第六、七学期前半学期强化专业学习,后半学期在外贸机构和企业顶岗实习;第八学期在顶岗实习的基础上结合岗位实际完成毕业实习和毕业论文的撰写。
Adopting the viscous-elastic method of energy conversion, the stress, strain and fracture distribution or evolvement rules of the composite structure of steel bridge deck asphalt mixture surfacing were explored. 采用粘弹性损伤模型的能量转换方法对钢桥面沥青混合料铺装层应力场、应变场及损伤场分布状况进行研究。
Adopting this model, we analyze the seismic hazard near the Chelungpu fault that generated the Chi-Chi (Jiji) earthquake with magnitude 7.6 and the following conclusions are reached. ①This model is reasonable on the base of focal mechanism, especially for 结果表明:①采用潜在地震破裂面源模型是合理的,因为它可以模拟地震破裂面与地震动影响场的三维展布特征,尤其适用于较大震级地震的近场区域;②潜在地震破裂面源的大小、产状,对近震源场点的地震危险性分析和地震区划结果有明显的控制影响。
Adopting top-quality carbon fiber and high-strength aluminum alloy liner, this product is made by the application of topping equipment and advanced fully wrapping technology. 碳纤维缠绕气瓶采用优质高效的碳纤维丝,高强度的铝合金内胆,运用一流的设备及先进的全缠绕技术加工而成。

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