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Feast today and fast tomorrow.

Feasibility study on construction project,investment budget calculation,engineering project cost estimation,final account settlement and calculating the cost bottom data for tendering project and project's economic evaluation,engineering cost surveillance 建设项目可行性研究、投资估算、工程概(预、估)算及标底编审、项目经济评价、工程造价监控。
Feasibility study, engineering design, tender preparation, construction supervision, and construction site services for chemical projects; planning, drafting and review of standards for pipe fittings for the national center of the piping technique of the 从事化工建设项目可行性研究、工程设计、标书编制、工程监理、施工工代表及全国化工配管设计技术中心站管道组成件标准的规划、编制、审核。
Feasiblity research on harbear and lane engineering ,especially skilled in analyzing the development of riverbed;consulting,managing and training on highway,water transprot gngineer. 港航工程可行性研究,重点擅长河床演变分析工作;公路工程,水运工程监理管理及培训工作。
Feast celebrating the solemn entry of the army in Shanga?, on August 1st, 1949. A trade union representative holds the enlargement of a banknote of the new currency. 赴宴庆祝军队庄严地入驻上海。1949年8月1日,一个商业工会代表拿着放大的新版纸币。
Feast of Prey allows your raptor to recover health every time it kills an enemy. 此技能使你的迅猛龙在每杀死一个敌人后能恢复一定的生命值。
Feast today and fast tomorrow. 今朝大吃大喝,明日忍饥挨饿。
Feasting on imported dog food, some dogs eat better than many people. 有些狗享用进口狗食,它们吃得比很多人还好。
Feat not that come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. 不要担心你的生命会结束(不要害怕你的生活即将结束)你应该担心你的生活从来没有真正开始。
Feather Fall. Objects or creatures fall slowly. 羽落术:物体或生物缓慢下落。
Feather by feather the goose is plucked. 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。
Feather growth begins with a thickening of the epidermis called the placode, which elongates into a tube—the feather germ [see illustration above]. 首先,表皮上的基板开始增厚,并拉长成一根管子,称为羽芽(见上方〈羽毛的成长过程〉)。

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