Evolve's main protein sources are chicken and chicken meal, and carbohydrates are supplied by brown rice and brewers rice.
蛋白质成分主要来源于鸡肉和鸡肉粉,炭水化合物来自糙米和啤酒米。 |
Evolving from EC to Union, EU judicial system has experienced a series of transformation, which is owing to the need of the construction of European integration as well as the radical practice of the European Court of Justice.
从欧共体的建立到欧洲联盟的崛起,欧盟司法制度经历了一系列变革,这一方面是因为欧洲一体化发展之内在需要,另一方面也与欧洲法院积极的司法实践密切相关,该变革体现于成员国的一系列条约修改活动。 |
Evolving from the old steel plant that was originally on the site,the river has been reconfigured to create a narrow canal that will flow between shopping, restaurants, and entertainment.
从地块内原有旧的钢厂延伸出米的河流经过重新改造,形成了一条穿行于购物、餐饮和娱乐区域之间的狭窄水系。 |
Evolving norms of behavior that will support and legitimize new rules is a lengthy process and in the absence of such reinforcing norms polities will tend to be unstable.
发展的行为标准将支持和合法化新的规则,这是一个长期的过程,而且如果缺乏一个强化标准的政党,这个过程将会不稳定。 |
Evolving the underlying networks to support a mass market, however, presents a number of challenges: Spectrum is a limited resource; CDMA standards have sub-optimal spectral efficiency; layered 3G network architectures are not conducive to low-latency ser
但开发基本网络以满足广大市场,仍面临几大挑战:频谱资源有限、CDMA标准的光谱效率未达最优、分层3G网络架构未能实现即时服务、及容量增大的智能天线或多天线系统仍不尽人意。 |
Evra has struck up a good partnership on the left flank with Cristiano Ronaldo.
埃夫拉在左路和罗纳尔多的配合很不错。 |
Evra saw his opportunities limited towards the tail end of last seaso, but that period was part of his acclimatisation to English football.
艾弗拉在上赛季末的机会并不多,但那段时期也是他逐渐适应英格兰足球的一部分。 |
Evron only receives a subsistence wage, yet he always lives beyond it by lavishing money on luxuries.
埃荣的工资仅够基本生活开支,却常将钱挥霍在奢侈品上,弄得经常入不敷支。 |
Ewald Walgenbach (CEO of Direct Group Bertelsmann and a member of the Bertelsmann AG Executive Board), “Media provides people with inspiration.
埃瓦尔德·瓦尔根巴赫,贝塔斯曼直接集团首席执行官兼董事会成员埃瓦尔德·瓦尔根巴赫说:“媒体给人们带来灵感。 |
Ewing said the game was designed to undermine the theory there was some shadowy plot behind the assassination. We believe passionately there was no conspiracy,he said.
伊文说,设计这款游戏是为了推翻这样一种推测:暗杀事件的背后有阴谋。他说:“我们坚信(那次暗杀背后)没有什么阴谋。” |
Ex parte -As relates to regulatory procedure, ex parte refers to contract between regulators and interested parties outside of formal proceedings. Such contracts are often circumscribed or prohhibited.
在管制程序方面,单方面合约是指管制者和利益相关方在正式程序以外签订的合约。这些合约通常都是限制或禁止的?? |