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Besides the incommensurability of different traditions, ethnocentrism often makes a dialogue between different traditions merely nominal.

Besides the food, hula dancing makes a luau special. 除了吃的外,还有夏威夷式宴会的特色表演——草裙舞。
Besides the formal program, the fair will also establish two curatorial programs – “Best Artist” section and “Best Discovery” Section, which will promote 15 representative Asian contemporary artists and 20 newly emerged young artists from the region respe 除了固定的项目外,此次展览还将设立“杰出艺术家”单元和“杰出的发现”单元,分别推出15位具代表性的当代艺术大家和20位新兴的杰出年轻艺术家。
Besides the function of tonification, ginseng exerts a certain cunative effect on cancer, aging, gastric disease, hepatic disease,diabetes and etc. 人参除了能滋补强身外,在防癌、抗衰老、治疗胃和肝脏疾病、糖尿病等方面均有疗效。
Besides the general big building on drawing demonstrationeffect is extremely good, specially suits the volume greater presentage installment, the sculpture exhibition and the display, but imageart, sound field art (new music) and so on different formcompr 除一般性大型架上绘画展示效果极佳外,特别适合体积较大的当代装置、雕塑的陈列与展览,而影像艺术、声场艺术(新音乐)等不同形式的综合艺术展在此空间中,其艺术效果将得到更为充分的展现。
Besides the goal of recovery of the Han Royal Family that Zhuge Liang longed for by means of Northern Expedition, there is another more realistic goal, that is, to expand the territory of the Shu State and strengthen its power through the seizure of Liang 诸葛亮之所以坚持北伐,是因为北伐的目的,除了实现“兴复汉室”的目标外,还有一个比较现实的低级目标即夺取凉州,借以增大蜀国的疆域和国力。
Besides the incommensurability of different traditions, ethnocentrism often makes a dialogue between different traditions merely nominal. 此外,不可通约的文化传统以及种族中心主义常常使对话有名无实。
Besides the increase in fetal weight during the last month of pregnancy the dry matter content of the fetuses increases from 12 to 19 percent. 在妊娠最后一个月,除了胎儿体重的增加,胎儿本身的干物质含量也从12%增长到19%。
Besides the labor intensity is low and safety. 此外,现在的工作比较安全,且对人体而言没有那么繁重。
Besides the magistrate himself, the people attending are the representatives of the county peasant association, trade union council, merchant association, women's association, school staff association, student association and Kuomintang headquarters. 出席的人,县长以外,为县农民协会、县总工会、县商民协会、县女界联合会、县教职员联合会、县学生联合会以及国民党县党部的代表们。
Besides the main business scope of company registration for foreign and domestic enterprises and financial procuration, we also provide the following professional services: registration service for Hong Kong company and BVI company, trademark registration 上海雁荡企业登记代理有限公司除了以上的内外资公司注册,财务代理的主营业务范围以外,还兼营香港公司的注册,离岸公司的注册,商标的注册以及受客户委托寻找各种厂房,商务办公楼、人事代理、帮外国人办理旅游签证,商务签证,外国人就业许可证,外国人就业证,外国人居留证等。
Besides the main scope of business (i.e. overseas labour service business, import &export business and international engineering contracting business), SFEECO has also set foot in other domains such as domestic employment service, culture, advertisement, 现公司经营范围以外派劳务、进出口贸易、对外工程承包为主,涉及国内人才交流、文化、广告、货运仓储、房地产等众多领域。

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