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By using genetic algorithm, speed and power consumption are optimized within design constraints.

By using drugs for nourishing yin or by using drugs without this action, the effect of nourishing yin to retain the body fluid can be achieved. 既有用养阴药物滋阴生津,尚有不投养阴之品,亦获护阴存津之效。
By using electric computer, via computation method, the result that symmetric group S7 has 11300 subgroups are found. The generators of each subgroup are given. 摘要利用计算机,通过采用一种新的方法代替置换乘法,计算出S7的全部11300个子群和96个共轭分类,并且每个子群给出了一个最小生成元组。同时给出了较详细的算法过程。
By using empirical study on the basketball games in the 5th Intercity Games, detailed analysis was given on the players' individual ability, from which the author concluded how to work out the pertinence training to improve individual competitive ability 通过对第五届城运会篮球比赛进行实证研究,对球员的个人比赛能力作了详尽的分析,进而探讨如何提高个人比赛能力,制定针对性训练计划,以提高球队整体的竞技水平。
By using extensics theory and method, the classical field matter-elements and segment field matter-elements are put forward on the hasis of transformation of extensive set and analysis of correlation function, and matter-element extension model of expansi 摘要应用可拓学的理论与方法,基于可拓学中的可拓集合变换和相关函数分析法,给出了膨胀土胀缩等级的经典域物元和节域物元,并建立了膨胀土胀缩等级的物元可拓识别模型。
By using games theory, this paper analyzes the reasons for discredit of graduates' employment-seeking, proposes government countermeasures, such as the system construction, strengthening surveillance mechanism, and penalty to discredit; strengthening the 文章运用博弈论的方法分析了高校毕业生就业诚信缺失的成因,提出制度建设,强化监督机制,加大对诚信缺失的惩罚力度;加强毕业生的诚信教育与管理;优化诚信环境治理等对策。
By using genetic algorithm, speed and power consumption are optimized within design constraints. 在满足设计约束的条件下,我们应用遗传算法对系统的速度和功耗两个目标进行优化。
By using irrigation,the Israelis have turned parts of the Negev Desert into a land of milk and honey. 由于使用了灌溉法,犹太人将内盖夫沙漠的部分地区变成了肥沃的良田。
By using it as extension of their voice , they vastly extended the range of sounds the harp could make and found it to be admirably suited to creating different moods and effects . 借助(蓝调)作为黑人呐喊的延续,他们(扩展了)口琴能发出声的范围,并且发现口琴(蓝音)极好地被适合到(产生)不同的心情和效果。
By using kernel functions, the data in the original space was mapped into a high-dimensional feature space, in which more features of the data were exposed so that clustering could be performed efficiently. 核函数的非线性映射使得原始数据的特征更完整地显现出来,从而能够更客观准确地聚类。
By using laser light scattering (LLS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the particle sizes of ultrafine silicon dioxide diminish and the congeries dispersibility were obviously improved, which shows that the hydrophobic property of ultrafine silicon 表明超细二氧化硅颗粒表面键合了疏水性有机分子链,蔬水性增强,达到了改性目的,为超细二氧化硅废料的回收利用提供了广阔的市场。
By using manual or semi-manual mode, the notarization office is too busy to meet the growing business needs, the demand for information technology, and the requirements of higher-quality and more comprehensive civil service. 摘要公证业务繁忙,使用手工或者半手工的方式,不能满足日益增长的公证业务需求、信息化的雷求、更高质量、更广泛的公证服务的要求。

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