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B: Of course he is. His honor is at stake .

B: OK. We have a nonstop flight leaving Kennedy at 9:25. 好的。9点25分有一趟直达班机,从肯尼迪国际机场起飞。
B: OK. What can I do with the shipment? 好的,不过这发货的事怎么办?
B: OK.You go south three blocks.On your right hand side,you will see a huge Chinese palance style building.That's it. 可以。从这里向南走3条街区,在右边你会看到一座大型中国宫殿式建筑物,那就是。
B: OK…Where's your application form? 好的。。。。。。那我看一下你的申请表。
B: Of Course. Everyone says that I am good at cooking. 那是当然,每个人都说我很擅长煮东西。
B: Of course he is. His honor is at stake . 他当然要否认。他可能会信誉扫地。
B: Of course you do. We can arrange for you to visit our Ever Bright Cotton Mill this afternoon. It is a Sino-Korean. 当然可以。我么可以安排让你今天下午参观永明棉纺厂,这是一家有600名工人的中韩合资企业。
B: Of course, I've enjoyed it very much. I've met my old friends and made some new friends. 当然,我过得很愉快。我见到了我的老朋友,还结识了一些新朋友。
B: Of course, it was an unprecedented mission. 当然有,这可是一项空前的任务呢。
B: Of course, otherwise we might make mistakes. 当然,否则我们可能就会犯错误。
B: Of course, when you enjoy yourself in those fun activities, you will surely enjoy the positive effects. 当然了,当你在享受那些娱乐活动时,你是在享受其正面效应。

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