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The “shareholders” as such had no knowledge of the lives, thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares, and his influence on the relations of capital and labor was not good.
参考译文] 这样的“股东”对他拥有股份的公司所雇用的工人们的生活、思想和需求一无所知,而且他们对劳资双方的关系都不会产生积极的影响。

The “reduction or exemption of sale contract tax may be offered only once” refers to the reduction or exemption of the contract tax for the first time of sale transfer after the buildings are finished. 本条例第二十五条第二项所定减免买卖契税以一次为限,系指建筑物兴建完成后第一次买卖移转契税之减免。
The “rock” walls at an indoor gym are not really made of rock at all. 室内攀岩场的「岩壁」并不是真的岩石。
The “rough beast” in question could be an end to the global “liquidity bubble” that has been fuelling asset prices, allowing private-equity groups to raise record sums and hedge-fund managers and Russian plutocrats to buy up contemporary art, Mayfair prop 现在所说的”狂兽”很可能是全球”流动性泡沫”的结束,这些流动性泡沫助长了资产价格的上升,导致私人股份集团的总额升至创纪录的高度,使对冲基金经理和俄罗斯财阀们能竞相买入当代艺术品,梅菲尔区的地产和奢侈的游艇.
The “round-up” starts with a parade of over 100 elephants that range from newborns to mature, well-trained animals. 大象“总动员”从100多头大象的盛大游行开始,象阵成员从新生幼象到训练有素的成年象都有。
The “sane” apprehension of oneself as possessor of a definite, stable, and socially recognize identity is continually threatened by the “surrealistic” metamorphoses of dreams and fantasies, even if it remains relatively consistent in everyday social inter 尽管在日常的社会互动中保持相对一致,一个人对于自身的理智理解,是拥有社会认可的身分、并且明确而稳定,但仍不断被超现实的梦与幻想变形。
The “shareholders” as such had no knowledge of the lives, thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares, and his influence on the relations of capital and labor was not good. 参考译文] 这样的“股东”对他拥有股份的公司所雇用的工人们的生活、思想和需求一无所知,而且他们对劳资双方的关系都不会产生积极的影响。
The “small” space industry gained new vigor in 1995, when the $10-million X Prize competition was announced to spur the development of a reusable suborbital launch vehicle. 1995年宣布的X奖竞赛,奖金千万美元,目的在刺激研发可重复使用的次轨道发射载具,因而振奋了小型太空工业。
The “soap” in soap opera alluded to their sponsorship by manufacturers of household cleaning products; while the “opera” part came from the fact that they were about dilemmas and other dramatic or melodramatic situations. “肥皂剧”中的“肥皂”一词暗指它们的赞助商多为家庭洗涤用品生产商,而称之为“剧”则因为它们表现的往往是困境或其他戏剧或情节剧般的情形。
The “specific proportion” in the proviso of Paragraph 15.1 is to be determined by the Competent Authority. 前项但书规定之一定比例,由主管机关定之。
The “surface computer” features a 30-inch horizontal monitor embedded in the table, where users can move screen objects around with their fingers. Objects placed on it will be automatically identified. 这款“咖啡桌电脑”有一个嵌在桌面内的30英寸水平显示器,用户可用手指移动屏幕上的图标。屏幕上放置的物体可被电脑自动识别。
The “surge” is a desperate response to failure. “增兵”是对失败的绝望回应。

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