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I didn't against you of intent.

I did want to share details on some of the exciting dungeon-related content coming in The Burning Crusade. 我非常愿意和大家分享一些令人激动的在燃烧远征里将出现的副本内容。
I did watch with great joy when Nixon visited China. 尼克松访华,我在电视上看到了,感到十分高兴。
I did, but a pickpocket stole my wallet. 我是领了,但扒手扒走了我的皮夹。
I didin't offend you on purpose. 我不是故意冒犯你。
I didn't kill your mother, I thought, hit the gas and took off. 我没有杀你妈妈,我想,踩下油门出发。
I didn't against you of intent. 我不是故意冒犯你。
I didn't allude to anything or anybody. 我并未影射任何人或任何事。
I didn't anticipate there were so many people. 我没料到会有那么多人在那里。
I didn't ask any one of them to help me with the work . 我没有请他们中的任何一个人帮忙。
I didn't ask for the chairmanship, I was pitched into it. 我没有要求当主席,是别人逼迫我当的。
I didn't bargain for Mary arriving so soon. 我没想到玛莉来得这么快。

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