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Assystbullmer is one of the leading CAD/CAM suppliers to the garment, automotive, upholstery and technical textile industries with German headquarters as well as offices worldwide.

Assuredness, this is a Chinese New Year that float snow! 确实,这是一个飘雪的春节!
Assures perfect alignment of disc and seat even at large flow velocities. 即使在大流速下,也能够确保阀瓣和阀座的精确对准。
Assyrian art also associates the winged disc with divinity and divine protection of the king and people. 亚述人的艺术也与有翼的圆盘连结,象征着神和神保护国王和人民。
Assyrians are a Semitic peoples indigenous to Mesopotamia. They are Mediterranean Caucasoids, and are ethnically distinct from Arabs and Jews. 亚述人是美索不达米亚的本土的闪族。他们是地中海高加索人中,从人种上于阿拉伯人和犹太人截然不同。
Assyrians have used two languages throughout their history: ancient Assyrian (Akkadian), and Modern Assyrian (neo-syriac). 亚述在他们的历史上曾经使用过两种语言:古代的亚述语(阿卡德语),后代亚述语(近似古代叙利亚语)。
Assystbullmer is one of the leading CAD/CAM suppliers to the garment, automotive, upholstery and technical textile industries with German headquarters as well as offices worldwide. 艾斯特奔马是为服装、汽车座椅、家具和各种纺织品行业提供CAD/CAM软件系统和自动化设备的供应商,在该行业处于国际领导地位,总部位于德国。
Asterix - Password Saver with Textbox Gr - This is a utility for those people with thousands of passwords! 这是一个工具,用来帮助那些具有众多密码的人!
Asteroid observations pour in at the rate of 15,000 or more a day. 小行星观察报告以每天1万5000多笔的速度大量出现。
Asteroids destroying the world ? Blah, blah,blah.Is this all anyone ever talking about nowadays?How can I put this carefully ------it's very unlikely to happen! 小行星撞地球?无稽之谈,现在人们都在谈论这些东西吗?怎么说呢——这根本不可能发生!
Asthma and chronic bronchitis are both caused by chronic inflammation of lung tissue. 气喘病和慢性支气管炎都源自肺组织的慢性炎症。
Asthma in the U.S., for example, may be exacerbated by coal-burning power plants in China; if so, prevention is possible only if China's prime minister and energy minister are part of the solution. 举例来说,美国的气喘问题,可能因为中国大陆的燃煤发电厂而加剧;如果确实如此,那麽唯有中国的总理及能源部长也参与解决问题,才有可能防範。

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